
What to do if met with a road accident..?

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if the person involved have head bleed or even with seizure?




  1. kick them.

  2. I am a paramedic/firefighter. The #1 thing to do is call 911. Than talk to person and if the bleeding is not too bad leave it alone and tell them not to move (if they have broken neck/back they will get worse with movement) and just reassure them help is on the way. For major bleeding hold a shirt/towel on the bleed (tight). For seizure protect them from hitting into something (steering wheel/broken window), you should not hold them down or stick anything in their mouth (these are old thoughts/practices).

  3. Naturally you would call for paramedics.

    You do not touch any injured people unless you are specifically trained to do so. You could find yourself on the receiving end of a lawsuit should you s***w something up, even in good faith.

  4. The first thing that you need to do is dial 911 (or the number for an emergency if you live in  a country outside the U.S.).   The second thing you need to do is to find out if anyone is injured.  If there is someone injured, you need to tell that person to lie still and not move and tell them that help is on the way.    If you do not have any medical training, then the best thing for you to do is to just talk to the injured person and remind them to lay still and reassure them that someone is on their way to help.   Do NOT move the person.  (This can cause more damage).      Stay with the person until emergency help arrives.

  5. wow! phone 999 id say! mayb if there cant breath turn them on there side but dodgy i dont lol

  6. Call emergency services (911 in the US) first.

    The important thing with car accidents and such is the risk for neck/spinal cord trauma. Moving them incorrectly could cause spinal cord injury or worsen an injury already present and could cause paralysis or death. You should not move them unless you are trained to do so, or unless there is a more serious threat (like the car is on fire). BUT in that case, YOUR safety should come first- if you get injured as well, the paramedics will have to take care of two people instead of one.

    If you do try and help and there is a negative outcome, (and you're in the US) you should be covered under Good Samaratin Law.

    Main point- Call an ambulance.

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