
What to do if my dad will not sign papers?

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I have 2 beginning-of-school-year papers that my dad will not sign.

If I don't have them signed by monday I get detention. They are about a home language survey and he says duh we are not mexican (no offend intended but that's what he said) and he wouldn't sign it. The other is a paper about help if you don't make a lot of money. I checked the box other than the two boxes if you do want help.. but it doesn't have a label or anything so my dad doesn't think it's right.. he says its not manditory.. so he threw it back at me and didn't sign it. I will try to get my mom to sign them because I know she will but I never see her in the morning or night..And when I do see her at night I can't have her sign them when my dad is around because he probably won't let her.

This is in the education category because I didn't know what else to put it in..




  1. Send your mom an SMS while she was at work, leave the paper somewhere so when she gets back she can sign it, then asked her to put it back where you have put em. You dad wouldn't find out.

  2. try to get your mom to sign if possible. if not, bring them to your guidance councilor at school and explain what happened. they will help you out

  3. That's so stupid. They shouldn't give you detention for something like that! I would just sign it or say hey mom come look at this, and lead her into the other room and have her sign it.  

  4. Give your dad a piece of paper that says "I wont sign the papers that you sent with my daughter" and get him to sign that.

    Atleast he can get his point accross and you will have proof so you won't get denention.

    Good luck.

    If he won't do that give the teacher or who ever is going to give you detention your dads phone number so he can explain.

  5. First of all, did you explain to your dad that you would be punished if the papers were not returned with his signature? If not, tell him. The only other option you have is to let the teacher know that he absolutely refused to sign them. I would ask the teacher to please call him before issuing you a detention so that your father can explain to her/him that you are telling the truth.  If worse comes to worst and you do get the detention, I would ask the teacher to write a detention notice that specifies the reason for the detention ( the papers not signed), then you can show it to your dad. If he is not a complete jerk, then he should be willing to contact the school to see if he can get you out of the detention since it was his fault. And finally, if he won't do that for you, then perhaps your mother will call the school to try to get the detention removed. If the teacher won't do it, your parents should ask to speak to the principal directly. GOOD LUCK!!! I've got my fingers crossed for you.

  6. Tell your teachers. Really they should understand. Tell a councelor or something.

    And you have to see your mom at some point, see if you can then.

    And with your dad, just tell him, extremely calmly, no insults or anything, that it is really important to you that he signs it and that you will get detention if it doesn't get it signed.

    It sounds like maybe he felt insulted or bad when you asked him, so ask him very nicely. If he smokes, ask him after he finishes his cigarette. Same if he drinks.

    And if worse comes to worse...

    And you are a girl, just cry say something like he doesn't love you and he doesn't care if you get detention

    And if that doesn't work, forging isn't that hard. Just put the paper on top of something that was signed by him and write.

    Or if you are a good artist just copy it.

    And make sure you practice a couple of times before you do it, it is easy for your writting to look copied

    Good luck!


  7. either get you mom to sign it

    go in to your councilor and talk to them about him not signing them

    and if it gets to it

    just sign it, he'll never know

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