
What to do if my dog is coughing?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 6 month old Min Pin. He's very well built, gets alot of exercise,but, this week, twice i noticed he has a dry cough. That's how I would describe it. It's usually in the morning, and maybe once or twice throughout the day. I was planning on taking him to the vet Saturday morning since I have time off work,but, was wondering if anyone could feed me some info on what migh it be. There's little or no discharge, coughing lasts a few seconds(5-10). It has rained here in Houston the past few days and maybe that has something to do when I let him out, I don't put him out when it's coming down. If anyone can provide some info, that would be great. Thanks in advance, off to work. Have a great day.




  1. Could be nothing doesn't sound to sever. Or possible kennel cough - and no you don't have to be in a kennel to catch it. Does he bark alot - cloud be irritation- hard to tell without an exam.

  2. might be kennel cough... he might be dehigreted

  3. Take him to the vet it might be kennel cough!

  4. Kennel cough is perhaps the closest canine equivalent to the common cold. It's rarely life-threatening, but it sure can be uncomfortable for your dog.

    Fortunately, an annual vaccination can protect your dog from kennel cough. If you plan to board your dog, enter him into competition, or let him spend lots of time around other dogs, get him vaccinated. At many shows and kennels, in fact, it's required.

    ( please refer to the URL below)

  5. i am glad to hear your seeking vet care.  If you can, try to record the cough- camcorder, cell phone- since your dog only does it right away in the a.m.

    the vet will listen to the heart and lungs to see if the sound clear-

    i'd think kennel cough, reverse sneeze

  6. Maybe kennel cough.  

  7. mmm...our yellow lab had a cough too. Does your dog have mucus coming from his nostrils? That is a sign of kennel cough. That's what happened to our lab. He is fine now, so don't worry. Just take him to the vet and if it is kennel cough, your vet will probably give you medicine for your dog. He will be fine! OR it may be some other type of respiratory infection. Good luck and I hope your dog gets better!!! =)

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