
What to do if my friend almost hates her best friend's father?

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This is a serious problem, please... no lame answers...

I have a friend, ok, let's call her Tara.

She is best friends with, say, Fiona.

Tara hates Fiona's dad, because of some religion problems in their family. These problems are really very serious ones. Fiona feels really bad about the fights going on at home, so she sometimes cries at school. Tara, looking at how Fiona is affected by all this, feels that what her dad is doing is wrong (I think so too - sorry, can't explain more).

Tara gets all rude and irritated whenever Fiona speaks about her dad, and gets all snappy and sarcastic if he is mentioned by Fiona, for any tiny normal thing also. Fiona doesn't hate her own dad, but she has a tiny amount of dislike for what he is doing.

Tara doesn't mean to act like this, but she cannot help it, for she is so angry at the effect Fiona's dad's behavior has on his daughter.

1) Do you think Tara is right in feeling this way? Or is she merely stupid and overreacting?

2) Does Fiona have a right to be angry with Tara for this?

3) What can Tara do about this (to control her anger)?

Please see both sides, Tara's and Fiona's, and then answer.




  1. religion is a hard one for anybody to understand.

    I think Fiona should try to explain to Tara why her dad is like he is try and explain about his religion. If Tara can understand this then it may not make things right in Taras head but at least she can see from Fiona's Dads point of view why he does what he does.

    tara is only looking out for her friend after all. Fiona should understand that Tara is being how she is because her friend is clearly worried about her.

    Maybe Fiona should talk to somebody else about her dad (a teacher) as its obviously a big worry for her.She can then express her worries without worrying that shes going to be upset even more by someone being horrible about someone she loves.

    good luck x x x

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