
What to do if the storm sirriens goes off?

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What to do if the storm sirriens goes off?




  1. go to the lowest level of ur home and look outside through a SMALL window to monitor it.if u suspect it is getting close,go to a corner of the lowest level and cover up w/ something or "hide" under a table.DO NOT go outside.DO NOT go look out a biiiiiiiiig window...................

    if there ARE sirens going off where u r,i wish u the best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You're supposed to go into the lowest level of your home, if you don't have a basement or cellar get into an interior room with no windows, it's best to get under something heavy like a table or a bed, and if you live in a trailer, it's best to go outside and lay in a ditch with your head covered.

    During a tornado it is actually safer to be outside if your choices are between a trailer and being outside.

    Testing the sirens are different-- every community does it at different times-- my parents have theirs the first Saturday of the month at 1 pm, the town I live in currently does theirs the first Thursday of the month at 11 am.

  3. Take cover, go into the basement

  4. if the weather is nasty you need to go to a central location in your home (or where ever you are at!).  stay away from windows.  if possible, go for a basement.  if that isn't possible, get under a table or something.  if a tornado comes that can help protect your head.

  5. there is a tornado waring take cover in the lowest level of ur home quickly

  6. You are talking about tornado sirens.

    Communities test their sirens in the USA usually on the first Tuesday of each month at 10am....even on months that are not likely to have tornadoes (e.g., winter months like December or February).

    But if you see evidence of strong thunderstorm activity and the sirens do go off, you better go down to the basement or the lowest area of the structure immediately. The sirens mean that a  tornado was sighted by radar or by storm spotters or storm chasers.

    Siren blasts in real life are 3 minutes when tornadoes are approaching. That means your county or city had issued a "tornado warning"--this means twisters are imminent in your area or near your area. That means you need to "take action now!" You need to stay in a safe area for 30 minutes. If another siren blast occurs, stay in that safe area for another 30 minutes. Be sure you stay away from windows and outside walls, because even if you do know the sound of a tornado......the "freight train" won't know if there is a weak tornado or that incredible tornado (or EF5) is occurring. If another siren blast does not occur after another 30 minutes, it means it is "all clear"...and you can go away from the safe area....that means the "tornado warning" had either been allowed to expire or the tornado threat had passed. Trying to be impatient to figure out by going away from a safe area to try to see "visuals" of a possible tornado during a "tornado warning" can cause you to lose your life.

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