
What to do if the year on a boat title is wrong?

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We bought a boat with a title that says its a 1993, the guy we bought it off of says tell them to change the year to 1978. The 1993 motor was removed and replaced with the 1978. Can you just ask them to change the year on the title or what?




  1. You mean he swapped engines and kept the title to the old one, and didn't get the title for the new one.  Other words, you don't have the title to your motor with a typo on it -- you have the title to a motor you don't own, and a motor without a title.

    Was I you, I'd just leave well enough alone.  Don't know where you are, but in my jurisdiction that would stir up a whole big ol hornets nest you just wouldn't want to go there, and it's of very little consequence.  Unless you eventually want to sell the motor.  Or if somebody shows up at your door with the title to the motor on your boat, especially if they brought the sheriff with 'em.

    [FYI to kelly F:  an outboard motor has a title (in many states), separate from the boat -- not at all like a car engine, or even an inboard boat motor. ]


    "I have 2 titles one is for the boat which is a 1993 and one for the motor which is a 1978 but reads on the title 1993"

    Look at the model and serial numbers on the title;  compare 'em to the model and serial numbers on the motor.  Are they the same?  If so, no prob just go down to (whomever has jurisdiction over boat motor titles) - it's a simple matter to cross reference model/serial number to year of manufacture.

  2. nope tittle has nothing to do with what type or how old the motor is... and doesnt really have to be anything done i think.. just like a car motor has little to do with car tittle

  3. No, it will be a huge hassle and ultimately be a waste of your time. It won't matter because theres no real use for the title except for its a receipt of ownership, and if you track the motor back to the dealership they will not change it anyway, trust me I've been through this one.  

  4. sounds completely nuts. you dont have the correct title.

  5. There is no title for a engine???

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