
What to do if u r being.......

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What should i do about me getting abused? I got it BAD today. I have been abused in the past. But NEVER EVER this bad. I yelled at my sister because she wouldn't hand me a bag of chips that my mom was too lazy to put up. So i yelled and got sent to my room. So then i SCREAMED a whole hella lot. And she came in and hit me once in my cheek. Then i screamed more because she wouldn't let me come out or let me watch tv. So then she came BACK in and hit me about 5 more times everywhere. Then she slammed my head against the wall and then she held me down and i was choking on my spit and she wouldn't let me up! And this all happened because it was my precious sisters birthday party and she CAN NOT have her birthday ruined even though mine was ruined and my mom didn't even really care. I can not call the cops because i just can't. I'm getting depressed but I'm scared if i tell my mom that she wont believe me and just think i want to pop pills. I am so sad except when I'm around my sister from another mister lol. I am tired of this i have too scratches on my arm I'm not sure if i still have anything on my face but i called my grandma and i dont think she really believed me!




  1. Well, if you don't want to be put in foster care and don't have any where else to go, then you can't do anything. Grow up and call CPS or the Cops before you really get hurt.  

  2. Stop screaming so much. Try figuring out a different way to get your anger out.

  3. That is very serious, probably more than you think. You can find foster parents in your school region if you request it, or they can move for you if they are serious. Call Child Care RIGHT NOW. You will be happy you did in the future.

  4. DeEzY girl, you have a lot of freinds here that are trying to give you the best help they can.  Your yelling has probably gotten on your mom's nerves long enough that she has snapped and is not thinking calmly.  If you behave calmly, then so will she.  However, that kind of treatment is considered physical abuse, and you can take steps to stop it.  Calling CPS is a MUST.  It doesn't matter how many times you have called them, you need to do it as soon as you can after the abuse, because handprints on your face are marks enuogh for CPS to take action.  You must also let CPS know that once the case has been closed, you get hurt worse for calling CPS.  The fact that you would be taken out of your home for at least the investigation time is a fact you have to accept, if you want to feel safe from the abuse.  It doesn't mean you will stay in foster care the rest of your life until 18; that is too far off to deal with right now.  As for living  with another relative, you need to keep that option in mind as well.  You stating that you are hated by everyone there at gramma's place seems to be a little too strong.  Not erveryone in the whole town can hate you, unles you have done something like set the courthouse on fire or you have played human pidgeon on some cars.  If you want to escape the abuse, you have to let someone help you make those decisions.  CPS's goal is to keep the family together when at all possible, and not break up families as many people mistakenly believe.  As fa as not having anywhere to go.. well, there  are places you can go, and hte professionals in your area will help you with  that as well.  BUT, you need to do your part and call CPS, first.  If you dont want to call them, call a crisis line or help hotline.  they arein the yellow pages.  most cities also have a teen crisis line.  Just don't dismiss the advice these peopole have given you here on your question.  Think about it, then makeyour decision to call or not call for help.  Think about this though--when you DO move out (if you choose to stay), what happens to your sister when you are goine?

  5. this is pretty bad,

    no one deserves to be treated like that

    i think they won't send you directly to child care

    i've heard in most cases, they usually send someone  to visit your home first, i guess someone like a social worker.

    good luck !

  6. ok.....

    so maybe you should take your anger out some other way.

    your mom really isnt a bad person then. she just wants you to take your anger out some other way. if you are really upset, how about taking a LOOOONG walk around the block? does your frend live near by? maybe go to her house?  anything is better than having two people get into more conflict.  

    i know youre upset about your mom hitting you.... i guess some of us have to grow up that way. its not really abuse until there are marks on your body that show bad physical contact, and unless your mom just beats you for no reason.... she pretty much has a good excuse for hitting you. its NOT THE RIGHT thing to do for ANY CHILD, but some parent discipline their children that way.

    like i said..... find some other ways to let your anger go... if screaming causes conflict with you and your mom, go for a walk.... run.... go on the computer....listen to to ur frend, walk to her house or anyone elses house..... just try different things out.


  7. Well, I know you don't want to go into foster care, but don't you have any other family that you can go to? What about your "bff"? Have you tried talking to her parents and seeing if they would be willing to let you stay with them if you get removed from your home? Because if those solutions are impossible, then it's either foster care or stay in that situation and let it mess you up in the head for years to come. You say you can't call the cops you just can't, but you really need to, because you need HELP. No child deserves to be hit like that. I have been in an abusive situation and I can tell you from experience that it won't stop unless you MAKE it stop, and since you're a kid, you're going to have to let someone step in and help you. I mean it - it's either that, or stay where you are and continue being abused.  

  8. if youre not willing to help yourself, then no one else is gonna be either. honestly ive lost sympathy for people who refuse to take care of themselves and do what they need to do. ive seen it enough with my sister and her husband,  

  9. well it jus seems like ur mom is really!!!! sick of u screaming so dont

    do something else to release your anger like write stuff down or sumthin

    but yea everybody's gotten a beatin before and hitting yer head on the wall was a little much but u said u kept screaming and yellin so i think any parent woulda beat yer ***

    but jus chill don't freak out u aren't in an abusive household ur moms jus a regular *****  

  10. kay well if you refuse to go live with your gramma, refuse to call the cops, refuse to live in foster care, AND continue to do **** that pisses your mother off the STOP ******* COMPLAINING.

    i have nooo sympathy for you.

    theres kid out there that get hit all the time for absalutely no reason. if your gonna scream and scream and ruin your kid sisters birthday party then SUCKS TO BE YOU.  

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