
What to do if you are bored in a car

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The dillema: I dont have a cellphone or an ipod and no I am not 5 or something, I am 13. But the thing is we are driving all the way to San Diego in our Minivan. And I ahve nothing to do!!!




  1. I know this sounds really way out but try reading a good book or two... reading is a great method of entertainment and learning.

  2. look out the window

  3. get like some type of gaming device like a PSP or Nintendo DS (fun) Or buy a DVD player those are always fun. Or bring a notebook and a pencil and like draw or write stuff!!!!!!! I do those even though I have an iPod and cell phone. Hope this helps :-)

  4. i know this sounds g*y but me and my friends always say chaching when we see a yellow car and whoever gts the most wins. and we also play the lisense plate game were you try to find a lisesne plate from all the different states  

  5. play a game or yust look out the window

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