
What to do if you cannot pay credit card debt and on ssi?

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What to do if you cannot pay credit card debt and on ssi?




  1. You can contact your Consumer Credit Counseling Services..they can negotiate lower interest rates...

    As long as you are on are judgement proof in terms of wage garnishment.

  2. Hi,

    I used "Credit Solution" to settle my debt and avoid bankruptcy.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58%.It's legitimate.I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:

  3. Call the cc company and see if you can lower your monthly bill payment or transferring your cc debt to a 0% for x amount of months credit card.

    Stretch your dollars in other parts of your life.

    Coupon, bargain shop

    Plug any extra money into your cc debt.

  4. Sonshine,

    There's a good article at eHow on steps to take to begin tackling your debt.  Take a look at it:

    How to Stop Escalating Debt

    You can also look here for tips on earning some extra cash online:

    How to make money on the internet, scam-free

    Lastly, here's an interesting alternative to conventional lending...getting a "social networking" loan from Virgin Money (from the same folks who run Virgin Airlines):

    Social Loans from Virgin Money

    Hope these help.

  5. both answers above are ok but depends of if you want to keep your good credit.   If it doesn not matter, and you just can't pay, they let them go.  Don't pay.  After 6 months the accounts will get charged off and paid by the insurance company.  (bet you didn;t know that part of your interest rate paid for an insurance premium)  If they try to sue you, send them a certified letter to their physical address asking them to validate the debt.  State that you do not remember signing a contract authorizing this account. (I am sure you do not remember right?) And request a certified copy of the original contract. Make sure that when they call you trying to get you to pay, you DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE THE DEBT!!!!  This is very important.  Just state that you do not believe you owe this money.   It starts the stautue time all over again.  In order to stop the creditor from calling you any more, you need to send a "cease and desist'  order.

    Once this is sold to a collection company,  youare are done.  You no longer owe the money.  I have help tons of people get out ot debt this way.  If you want to get and education as to why, send me an email and I will send you links to movies and video clips that explaing the mechanics and the loopholes.

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