
What to do if you have an abscess in your mouth?

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I have what I believe is an abscess located in my mouth on my gum. I need some home remedies to help. I have tried pain med., baking soda, peanut butter, and vanilla extract. I have a high temperature and I am in allot of pain. So any helpful advice would be really appreciated. Thanks




  1. my niece almost died from an abcess ..dont put it off the infection can go to your brain quickly

  2. Go to your dentist, any infections in your head is close to your brain, this can become very serious.

  3. Swish warm salt water around in your mouth while you find the phone number to your dentist! If he can't see you immediately, head to the emergency room after you spit out the saltwater. This is nothing to fool around with. You can die from an abscessed tooth. Actually, before modern medicine, a whole lot of people died from mouth infections!

  4. I think its time to see your dentist. This infection can become systemic.

  5. Yes, the peroxide is a good idea. hold it in the spot that it is at for a little while, and take some tylenol or advil for pain. I definitely recommend the emergency room.

  6. see a dentist right away.  this can spread and get worse.  lay off the peanut butter, etc.  I don't know who said that will help but it won't.  

    You might want to use some hydrogen peroxide applied with a q-tip while waiting to get examined.  This can help fight against infection but only for a short while.

    This requires professional care ASAP.

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