
What to do if you want something life but you cant have it

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What do you do if you want something very much in life but there is not way you can have it what do you do?




  1. if you believe in yourself, you can have anything in this life.  you can do anything you want, be anyone you want.  there are always stories of people coming from a bad place and succeeding in more ways then anyone would have thought possible.   all they had to do was push themselves and follow their dreams.  h**l, i came form a small town down south where everyone has kids at a young age and does drugs.  i moved up to nyc and am now working for bands as a sound engineer!  trust me girl, you can have anything you want!

  2. You start working for a future , where they can have whatever it is that they wish for.  

  3. It is not possible to not have what you want. If a man can become a woman, then anything can be done. You control your'e life, YOU make it happen. Read, study, ask someone who is where you want to be and then map it out and dont give up.

  4. The only thing you can do; let it go!  The faster you let it go, the better off you are going to be. Resign your self to the fact that it is not going to be.  Get involved in other things, people, projects, whatever will take your mind off the subject.  If you don't it will eat at you right to the core!

    We can't always have what we want when we want it.  Sometimes when we let it go- Surprise You got it!  You never know! :D

  5. I learn to accept it and want what I already have, as well as what is actually in my grasp.

  6. my poor turtle to the vet a bigger fish tank

  7. Always bear in mind that if others could do it. why not you? It is a matter of believing in yourself. Have that burning desire to achieve your goal. Focus and have this perseverance and determination. Every one of us has the genius within ourselves. It is just waiting to be revealed. Give time and be patient. Trust your potential and keep on going. Do not allow negative thoughts rule you. Use the positive energy to dominate you instead.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  8. You face reality. I have a son who died 8 years ago & I just wanted him to come home to me. One of my mentors said that it wasn't realistic. So I stopped wishing for something that I couldn't have. I takes time to grieve what you wanted & that means there are stages you go though. Once you are at a point where you have to accept the truth you can either put you energy into something else in life or if it feels write take what ever the situation is & transform it into something you can do that isn't exactly what you wanted. If you are short but need to be tall to be a dancer but you are a great dance you may want to teach dancing for example.

  9. I some how manage to never allow that to happen to me because I know what I can have is really all I need and most desire.

  10. I think you should try to live with what you have, in the best way possible. If you spend your whole life thinking about what you don't have, the years will pass and you'll realise you've lost your precious time.

  11. Suffocate, die of thirst, starve to death, get castrated, live in fear and disorder not knowing what is to be done next, live alone in failure and never know the beauty of becoming creative consciousness.

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