
What to do if young females attack older male dog and draw blood.?

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i have had my old dog (he is 13)since he was a pup -no aggressive behaviors whatsoever- we have adopted 2 females that are good natured normally but if a scrap of food is on the floor or a toy that my old dog looks at they attack him today he was on the floor and i tried to break them apart and got bitten and then i sprayed them with water to separate them but by then my dog was bleeding and limping he is still limping but doesnt seem to still be bleeding anymore. what should i do??




  1. See a dog trainer and a vet if the dogs limping doesnt get better.

    In the mean time feed them in seperate rooms so you dont want a repeat of the situation. Please dont slap them on the nose as you may get bitten accidently if they are attacking the other dog.

  2. i know it may sound a bit mean but everytime u see that happen slap them HARD right on the nose

  3. contact a trainer, but if it stills go on with the fighting... =/ you should probrobly give the 2 pups away. bcuz, old dogs need more attention. you might never know what would happen to him.

  4. Contact a trainer. The old dog is getting ready to lose any position he might hold. The two girls are going to be trouble for you if you don't start training and gaining control.

    Edit : DON'T SLAP THEM ! You will make things worse. Slapping a dog isn't a training method. It's abuse.

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