
What to do if your amp keeps dieing ?

by  |  earlier

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i have a hartke ha3500 bass amp and it kept blowing fuses at first. now its just droppin out all together ...idk if its the head or not. i keep using new chords but...argh




  1. Listen to me.

    Take it in to be serviced. Find a Hartke authorized repair shop, if possible, and tell them what's going on. They should be able to handle it, but it may not be all that cheap. Most likely something has burnt out or shorted - if something like this starts blowing fuses you need to take it in then, not just wait on it. If you get the wrong kind of fuses then you could have done some damage to your amp... the only people who would know would be the service tech.

    The more you plug it in and turn it on the more likely you will damage it further.


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