
What to do if your board?

by Guest21277  |  earlier

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i am board




  1. Wow I had no idea boards could come alive and type and have feelings and such.

    You are one amazing board!!

    (Don't you mean bored?)

  2. If your bored (not board), and depends where you are, if your home with a friend you can have a gargoling contest with him using water, if ur alone, attempt the impossible and try not to think of penguins for 10 minutes.

  3. If you're a board?

    Lay around, have things stacked on top of you, have games played on you...let people dive off of you...

  4. When you are bored you could watch TV or a movie, play a computer game or a video game, call a friend, email friends, clean the house, go for a walk, read a book, do crossword puzzles or sudoku, draw or paint, write in a journal, cook something, volunteer, find someone to play a board game, or answer questions here on Yahoo Answers.

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