
What to do if your life completely sucks?

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My life is like a living h**l and nobody listens to me and I'm not in the popular group in my school I'm more like a normal guy who in a lower class than a nerd or geek a i don't know exactly but i need help. what should i do and what class of popularity am i and don't say a mega nerd or emo or something like that will i report you




  1. Poor you. I am a Christian and I'm living for God so I'll spend eternity in Heaven with him...Go talk to a good Christian Pastor

  2. Don't try and put yourself or anyone else in some "class" of popularity.  Actually, most nerds or geeks are the ones who end up being most successful.  And remember that the so-called popular kids can also be very insecure. People are mean to them, label them and don't bother to get to know them as a person, the same as any other "group."  Find a place you seem to fit in, and remember that high school (or whatever grade you're in) is really just a short period of time in your life.  Lots of kids don't start enjoying life until after high school.  

  3. Deal with it.  And I don't say that to be mean.  Make the best of your situation.  So your not super popular, who cares????Highschool is only 4 years of your life.  I bet you have wonderful qualities that someone else is dying to have.  Build your own confidence.  Good luck!

  4. ging to

    a getaway

    church thing

    helps trust me

    i was a bad ***

    still am but it helps to reflect

    on alot of stuff and make life better

    i even got the suicide thougths out of my mind

    i had tried everyhting even phyciatry and it made me hate it

    even more i feels awsome go and talk to your church about it and ask about a group  

  5. You get over it. Your life is no different than anybody else. Remember that the happy popular guys are just as pathetic as you, they just hide it better. Its a given fact that nobody has the great life that they project to the world.

    Even on reality tv... theres so much life in the cutting room floor that you wouldnt recognize the stars of any show if you watched it.

    I'd say your class of popularity is the loner geek who has tendencies of self doubt and aniexity of what it is you will be come. In other words... Your the typical average kid.

  6. stop living up to the hierarchy at your school, it's really not that important

  7. pray ,

  8. If you don't like your life, change it. It's yours to do with as you see fit. Take control of your destiny. You sound like you are too concerned about what other people think. If you please yourself, you'll be happier.

  9. you should think about people who may have it worse than you

  10. high school is nothing like real life.  Your life might suck in HS and be awesome later.

  11. I don't know what class you are but you sound like me, To cool to be a nerd but to geeky to be anything else. As what to do, after i slammed a guy's head into a locker in the 6th grade and i was home-schooled ever since. you just have to survive by any way possible, just don't be home-schooled if you don't have friends that live close by, it has a bad side effect on your people skills.  

  12. Think of it this way the people who are low end in highschool and "ugly" always turn out to be on top in the end. Nerd become the jocks and other guys bosses, ugly people always become hotter and find the girl or guy of their dreams while the hot guys are still cocky and lame so they do not have a girl that is there for them just their looks.

    Your life will get better.

  13. Hang in there, it gets better.  I was wicked uncomfortable all through high school, miserable student, nothing seemed right.   Nearly ten years after high school, I end up marrying a girl who used to be a cheerleader, turns out I had a LOT less scars from HS than she did.

    Don't write off dainty Jesus freak off either, finding the "bigger picture" can change everything, and more, for a person.  People will tell you what life is about, go look into it yourself, and you will be able to figure it out.

    There is a lot of pressure to "be" someone at your age... you don't have to be anyone but yourself.  If you have food, a place to sleep and are safe, you have everything you need to make a life of your choosing.  Life is incredible, all you need to do is live it.

  14. well you could start by not steriotyping yourself into a calss dumbass,you are your own person your not a group a class are any other dumbass thing,go be you if people dont like it **** em if they do great,and if all else fells you could go m********e

  15. Maybe you could sign up for a sports team or a clubat school?You could be pals with people who like what you like lol!

    You also have to be a little assertive when people aren't listening to you.When you are around your friends(assuming you have some or assuming you get some from clubs or sports) you should try to be more of a leader.And if the popular people are being big @sses to you or your friends,just ignore it and walk away.That usually annoys them even if they don't show it.

    As far as 'what class of popularity' you are,I suppose you are one of the 'odd' people.You know,the kids that don't really follow the popular crowd cuz they think it's stupid(or they couldn't get in it themselves lol)

    If you WANT to be part of the popular crowd,you either take everything you've got and try your hardest to get in,or create your own circle of friends that YOU are the center of.

    Oh yea and you can get some more friends by spotting out other kids that aren't in the popular crowd and making friends with them,trust me,later on you'll probably have a bunch of friends to hang out with and you'll thank me for it.

  16. Maybe you should talk to a counselor or try therapy  

  17. It gets better after high school, hang in there.

  18. Haha.... it depends on who ur hanging out with! now for some popular kids they just "think" they're cool but in reality popular means your nice and your friends with everyone including the smarties... dont change yourself in any way just keep finding people you share interests with and maybe join a club or do a sport or something that will improve your social life and dont put yourself down about just be strong and confident in yourself and never kiss up to people and be leader not a follower and if you are a follower people are just going to take advantage of you!!! so be very careful

  19. so because you aren't in the "popular" class your life completely sucks? if this is the case i think popularity should be the least of your worries.

    perhaps you should be more worried getting your head on right and realize that popularity will get you no where in life and attempting to bend your life around becoming popular will truly make your life a living h**l... not this mellowdramatic, hollywood produced "h**l" either.

    i hope you will understand what advice im trying to give you here.

  20. just try not to worry about wut group your in. i kno how it feels kinda, just do what you enjoy, and remeber that most of your life will be spent out of school not in it

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