
What to do in a Dancing Dilemma?

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my little sister is stressing out about dance. She is afraid of not making the better jazz competition team because she doesn't have all the pirouette turns she needs. But her kicks, leg holds, and leaps are phenomenal, and by far are better than all of the other dancers. She is also very flexible. Coming from a real dancer what should I tell her to get those turns(she is having problems with spotting, and turning posture), she needs to be able to do at least 3 turns on both legs to make the better team, and she is constant on 2 turns, on one leg. what should I tell her to encourage her? If she can get those turns in 2 weeks, do you think she has a chance a the better team? She is a quick learner, but is having a lot of trouble with turns. I don't know how dance is, since I'm not a dancer. I forgot to add that she can do arials, round-off back handsprings, and all kinds of walk overs.




  1. Tell her what you told us, that her kicks and leg holds and leaps are phenomenal, I mean anybody can leap but to pirouette like a gazelle is one beautiful thing, she should be proud and leaps are harder than pirouettes so if she hits them consistently then she should have a better routine.  

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