
What to do in a case of lightning?

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ok well if your out side and there is lighning do like your mom said and get in the house but what if you can't get to a house or building? say your camping. where do you go? (you dont have a tent) do you go by a tree? lay flat one the ground? get into an open field and lay down? what should you do?




  1. Get in an open field and lie flat as possible.  Lightening is attracted to trees and tall objects so getting as flat as possible makes it less likely you get struck

  2. dont go near trees!!! they could get hit by lighting and catch fire, they could fall on you, or if you are standing under one you could get shocked from the roots. it would be ideal to get in a building or car, but if either of those aren't an option, go to a somewhat open areas and crouch down so you are on your tip-toes but still squatting on the ground. try to stay as low as possible, but dont lie down flat! being on just your tip-toes will minimize the risk of getting hit. dont go anywhere near metal (like flag poles) and if you're in the water get out!but lets hope that you are never in a position where it is lightning out and you cant get in a building or car!!

  3. That would be a very difficult situation to be in. Hopefully no one will be in that situation. Nevertheless, there are things that one can do to protect themselves from lightning if caught outside and absolutely no buildings are nearby.

    1- If a vehicle is nearby, get into it. If the vehicle is not yours, ask anyone who may be inside to let you in, explain to them that your life is in danger.

    2- If no vehicles nearby, try to get as low as you can. This means that if you are on top of a hill, or on the slope of a hill, get down as far away from the top as you can.

    3- Avoid all tall objects including individual trees, poles, etc.

    3a- If you happen to find a group of trees of about the same height, you may hide underneath them. Although this is still risky, the chances of a tree you are hiding under of being struck will decrease because there are more possibilities around.

    4- Remove anything metal from you. This includes metal jewelry, golf clubs, coins, umbrella, keys, whatever is made of metal.

    5- Avoid open fields, high places, trees (especially isolated trees), water, unprotected gazebos or picnic shelters, baseball dugouts, communications towers, flag poles and light poles, metal or wood bleachers, metal fences, convertibles, golf carts, bicycles, and motorcycles.

    6- Move away from a group of people. Stay several yards away from each other. Don't share a bleacher bench or huddle in a group.

    7- Avoid being the tallest object around. If caught in an open field, get as low as you can but do not lie prone on the ground, this will expose your heart to the electrical current from the lightning bolt. Squat on the balls of your feet to have minimum contact with the ground. Place your hands over your ears and your head between your knees.

    8- If in the water, get out of the water. If caught in a boat, crouch down in the center of the boat away from metal hardware. Swimming, wading, snorkeling and scuba diving are NOT safe. Don't stand in puddles, even if wearing rubber boots.


  4. One of the best places is actually a car. many people believe this is because of the rubber, but it is actually because of the wire frame. As long at you stay completely inside the car, you are safe. You can actually see this demonstrated at the Boston Science Museum's Electricity Show

  5. Hi

    See here:



  6. Do not go under/near a tree.  Do not lie down. squat down.

  7. Don't go under a tree.

    If in home, unplug all electrical appliances.

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