
What to do in this accident?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so there insurance thinks I stopped to fast and caused the accident and I got rear ended. Well they want to put 80 percent of the blame on me. So I don't know what to do next they wont talk to the owner of the car and how can I fight this?




  1. Whether or not you "stopped too fast" or not, there are "assured clear distance" laws. If you were rear ended, the other driver will be assumed at fault.

  2. If you really believe you are not at fault take them to small claims court or hire an attorney.  They obviously disagree for whatever their reasoning and you obviously aren't changing their minds.  You can either attempt to argue why you're not at fault and they are and they can still say we think you're wrong or you can just take them court.  

  3. The lead car is never 'cause' , the other car smacked you!! they are playing games with you. Where is your insurance company??.. tell them you braked for a deer which would have cost them a heck of a lot of money if you had hit it or it had plowed into you and tell them to tell their insurance company to go away. And don't talk to the other guys' insurance company.. EVER!

  4. You didn't get a police report?   It is incredibly rare for the lead car to be charged in a rear-end accident.   Now, if there are witnesses to state that you stopped deliberately, that might put a different spin on it.

  5. I don't like to be rude but you have asked this same question at least 3 times.  When I look at your explanation and your punctuation and spelling, I can see why the other Insurance company may be trying to take advantage of you.  If you think you have been wronged (&  I think you may have been) you should see a lawyer.  

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