
What to do in this situation??please!!!?

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My step-son soon to be 12 wants to move & live with us. His mother manipulates him by telling him that if he comes & live w/ us she will not love him anymore & she will not look for him at all. Which we think is not fair for him, he only sees his dad twice a year because of the distance(15hrs app art)So when child comes hubby buys round trip airplane ticket. The mother only allowed the child to come 6weeks on summer and 1 week on Christmas vacations. They have court papers but she doesn't respect what papers said. Rigth now we can't afford an attorney, but we noticed that the boy is scared of something because he wets the bed at nigth, hubby talk to the mother & she says he is just being a baby that he is perfectly fine. We are not professionals but by his attitude and how he behaves we know that he needs more love & more attention plus the boy wants to come and live with us. We wanted to do this peacefully but the mother doesn't want to cooperate. So what can we do in TEXAS to make arragements so the boys can come and live with us & give it a try ?? Now the boy is sad and we don't know what else to do..Any advices will be helpful!!! Thanks




  1. Your assumption that the boy's bed wetting problem is due to being scared of something is incorrect. But that's a whole other issue.

    You and your husband cannot legally defy the court ordered custody agreement. You must go to family court and petition for custody. Doing otherwise will result in major problems for everyone involved.

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