
What to do legally with my foreign wife without harming my children in the process.? Post # 2?

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Transport Illegal aliens to work, to help them avoid problems with police just in case they are stopped and ask for drivers Lic..

I have found wads of cash in her closet. $50, $ 100.I don not know where this money comes from.

Wants to live from the state – Welfare

I am broke and lost my job because of her – Every argument we have. She treats me

With calling the police and call our arguments domestic violence.

She claims that she has all the rights in this country

Any suggestions ---




  1. This sounds like a job for a Family Law attorney. Otherwise, if your foreign wife is NOT here legally, you may want to remind her that if she wants to threaten you then you can do the same and turn her over to ICE. If she is here legally, remind her that what she is doing is aiding and abedding & can not only be fined, but jailed for transporting illegal immigrants. Then all the money she would have made would have been for nothing. Worse yet, if it were to go any further (i.e. - separation/divorce, etc.), then she would be out in the cold b/c a judge will look at her activity as criminal and give you sole custody of the children - reducing the possibilities of receiving child support and possibly even post-separation support.

  2. Whether she is here legally under your sponsorship or illegally, you need to end this marriage urgently.  She is violating the law, and as your wife, she is implicating you and she endangers your children.  For example, if you own (or named as an owner of) the vehicle she uses to transport illegal aliens, you are liable to be charged with "trafficking, transporting" etc.  It's a long prison term and steep fine, along with confiscation of the vehicle.

    Get a lawyer immediately to file for annulment or divorce.  If you sponsored her immigration or she was illegally here, get an annulment if at all possible, on the grounds that she defrauded you to obtain immigration benefits.  If annulment is not possible, get a divorce.

    If you sponsored her immigration and you have an affidavit of support, notify ICE that you are withdrawing her application for visa/green card and you are terminating your affidavit of support on the grounds that she has defrauded you, only married you to get immigration benefits, and that you are filing for annulment/divorce.

    Get her out of your house/apartment, and make sure your name is off ownership records of the car.  Notify ICE of her illegal activity in transporting illegal aliens and whatever else she is doing, and provide documentation: her driver's license #, vehicle make/model/license plates.  

    If she is collecting or applied for welfare, etc., call their fraud hotline and give details of her fraud: unreported income from illegal activities, etc.

    Keep her away from your children!  She is a danger to their wellbeing as well as yours.  File for sole custody along with the annulment/divorce.

    Get a good divorce/Family Law attorney first!  URGENT!

  3. First thing you should do is consult a lawyer.

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