
What to do my anthropology study on?

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Ok so I have a uni paper due in a few weeks for anthropology. The topic is we have to go out and observe a food or drinking ritual in society. It has to be a public event and for people over the age of 18.

50% of my mark is graded on the creativity of my subject, so please if anyone has some different ideas on where i should focus my paper on that would be great!




  1. A sports bar or a college bar will display modern man at his most primative.  Also, any time a group of guys get together to watch a game on television, especially American football.

  2. Hmmm....You could do 21st Birthday celebrations, Wedding Receptions, or business lunches - Those might be interesting, especially if you could include interviews with some older folks about how they USED to be (the infamous 3-martini lunch) compared to today.

    Or, you could find some college students doing a pub-crawl (or better, an alphabetic drunk) and track them through...

    You could check out the local rugby team's "3rd Half" - basically a BBQ/Beer Bash put on for the visiting team.

    Go to a local tail-gate party (tough to do with the football season over)...

    Perhaps hit the local park while some folks are having a family picnic or BBQ, but that might not fit the 'over 18' constraint.

    Hope these spark some ideas!


  3. in australia we have a great one, which has in fact been studied by anthropologists from around the world.  It is the anthropology of the "shout".  What are the rules? what are the social ramifications if you do not follow the rules? what are the rewards if you do? the rules are quite complex and subtle, but basically, if someone buys you a drink, are you obligated to buy them one? what if you accept drinks from everyone at the table, and then decide it is time to go home, JUST as it is your turn to "shout" the round?  can someone just walk into a shout mid way through and expect a drink? do couples count for one or two shouts? do each of them have to buy or does one cover them both? or does everyone just pay for themselves? as you can see, it might as well be a ritual from the jungles somewhere.  would you view it through structural functionalism and what would this tell you??  happy observing!!!

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