
What to do my mom is a complusive liar and lies about everything and anything she can?

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like today for an instance my mom has the day off and calls me a thousand times well when her baby daddy is watchin his kids on his day off he calls me once or twice to help and he says he doesn't need my help but she just said that he said that the only reason he dont call me is because he doesn't want me to complain and i have known him for like 6 years and he has never lied but my mom on the other hand lies everytime she talks i have caught her in many of them and she isn't forgetful




  1. She won't change so accept her it is part of her personality. As you grow older you will make sure the husband you select will be nothing like your mother.

    There is no need to confront her she is just a liar.

  2. I need an answer to this 2. Ive had 2 friends who have LIED constantly, about everything and anything silly things, exadurate things, and totally make the bazzarest things up, attention seek and just try to hard. I think the root of the problem is insecurties, and the need to impress people.

    However it is really not nice to listen to somebody tell so many lies, its uncomfortable and you dont know what to say. Its kind of offensive to think they think you are stupid not to think they are lying. I would tell you to confront her, however I find it hard to confront my friends. I think you might have to as its your mom, ask why she thinks she feels the need to lie, maybe get her to see a theropist. Im really sorry and good luck with this ! xx  

  3. maybe she has a bad memory or selective memory about things.  take a look at the overall thing and try to deal with it as civilly as possible.  

  4. You don't give enough information to give an intelligent response.  

  5. Just love her the way she is.

    There is a big difference between whether she knows she lies or not. Obviously the latter is medical concern.

    But if your mom knows she lies and just does it, than, it is mainly annoying (I know my mom does that too, especially when she wants to make a point, like, the neighbor's daughter went to college. - and then I learn the that person did not finish high school), or wants to get out of embarrassing situations like if she forgets something she was supposed to do, she would invent a reason (...the store was closed and I wasn't able to buy what I said I would...).

    I used to confront her about that and put her to shame , but nowadays I really don't care too much. I am very sure of myself and who I am so she cannot move me by telling me that other girls are better than me and invent stories. I only feel bad for her that she is weak and cannot handle admitting her mistakes.

    I do think ignoring the lie and moving on is the right thing to do when it's your mom. Just love her the way she is.  

  6. talk  to here      maybe   forgert

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