
What to do next with eggs?

by Guest67054  |  earlier

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My Friends touched an abandoned bird egg and now I am taking care if the egg what should I do since the mother will not come back?




  1. If the nest was abandoned, then the egg was most likely infertile anyway, or the parents decided the nest site was unsuitable.  A bird will not just abandon a nest because a human touched the egg.  However, it is illegal to disturb most nesting birds, and it is also illegal to raise native wildlife without a rehabilitator's license.  Let your friend know to stay out of nests!

    You should have just left the egg where it was.  Just like with domestic birds, it may take the female several days to collect her clutch of eggs prior to setting and incubating them.  This egg may not have been abandoned at all - it may have been the first egg and was still in the dormant stage.  You may still be able to return the egg to the nest and hope for the best.

    In the future, don't try to "rescue" bird eggs.  Often, even though people mean well, they are actually disturbing the birds and interfering with a perfectly normal cycle of nesting and incubation.

  2. Put it back in the nest if you can.  The mother bird probably isn't done laying her clutch of eggs.  It's possible that the mother bird won't return but it's irrelevent anyway, unless you are prepared to incubate the egg and are knowledgable about feeding baby wild birds, your not going to be sucessful.  

    If you can't put it back in the nest, just throw it away.  

  3. keep it out of sun light.but to see if there is anything in it put a flash light up behind it.does it have a solid object in it,or a bunch of lines like veins running through it?if so there's a baby in there.eggs need to be keep around 85/90 degrees.and they can hatch about 21 days.hope this helps.oh!if not you better throw it out it can get pretty stinky when it starts to rot.

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