
What to do now mom need answers help

by  |  earlier

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i went to my son in rehab today but they were having a bbq. he just went into this rehab he has drinking problems. all his friends were there he only told me not to visit him and when he is around him i make him drink. i know he has to blame someone but now iam hurting. what to do and also should i phone the people that have helped put him there because they are his friends




  1. You dont force him to drink, but you might be part of the problem. Step back and let him come to you. How old is he? If he is a teen-then you have the right to get information about his program.

  2. its ok

    tell him how u feel

    tell him u will do whatever it takes to help him through this

    if that means not seeing for a while so be it

    good luck

  3. that's some straight bs trust me he will come to his senses and apologize but until then just step back and let him do what he wants to do if he needs somebody to blame don't complain about it he is going to keep thinking its your fault and rehab isn't going to work because he will be blaming everything on you and then when he gets out and realizes your not the one that makes him want to drink he will start drinking again and come to you for help trust me that's what will happen so just let time go on

  4. Talk to the counselors at the rehab ...if they can, they can help you both work through this.

    If he doesn't allow them to talk to you, maybe you can seek your own counseling to get some support.

    Don't involve his friends, unless you are very close to them and know you can trust them.


  5. I honestly do not your understand your question.

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