
What to do on a 27 hour flight?

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I am flying from Detroit, Michigan to Paris then to Bangkok.




  1. youll love thailand :)





    Neck Pillow (helps for sleeping)

    Crossword Puzzle etc

    Definetly your Cam

    The planes will have movies, radio stations

    Also, make sure to drink alot of water so your hands and feet don't swell too bad

    good luck:)

    have fun


  2. Theirs alot of things you can do! you can always bring a couple of magazines, bring a ipod and if your reading a book you can also have the book on tape and read along. And if your a person who plays games, bring what ever you have available such as a psp, gameboy or laptop.!

  3. I just got back from a trip from Cincinnati, Ohio to San Francisco to Hong Kong to Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  

    What I recommend is that you try to get as much sleep as you can on the plane.  That way you arrive refreshed at your destination and can try to adjust to that time zone thereby lessening your jet lag.

    Long international flights offer you movies to watch so you should have a good selection of movies or music you can listen to.  Reading a book or magazine is also a good way to pass the time.

  4. The guy above me said most of the good stuff. If you're lucky enough to have a window seat, I recomend bringing a digital camera so you can amuse your self by trying to take artsy photographs of what ever scenery is below. I did this on a flight from Baltimore to Las Angelos and actually got some really nice pictures!

  5. From Detroit to Michigan I would listen to your i-pod and/read a magazine/book. It will go quick. Then from Michigan to Paris. Watch a movie or two and this time will fly by.

    Whenever I fly 28 hrs I always watch the safety demonstrations and watch take off. Now if it's possible you could take pictures here. Then I read the in-flight magazine and look at the food menu, they then about 1 hr into the flight bring around a snack and a drink. then I watch a movie which takes up about 2 hrs. About 3 hrs into the flight they serve food (a meal) - this takes about 2 hrs to finish by the time they serve the food, collect the empty cartons and offer coffee/tea. then I watch another movie which takes 2 hrs. During this time they may turn out all the lights to get everyone to sleep for 5 hours. If you don't want to sleep you can put your light on and read. Then they turn the lights on an 1hr before breakfast so every 1 can get ready (clean teeth etc).

    Then breakfast comes out and this takes about 1-2 hrs to finish and be cleared away and then it's time to begin descent and land and this can take 1 - 2hrs. When you get on the plane from Paris to Bangkok this should all apply.  

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