
What to do on a long car-drive?

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Im going to minneapolis for a week, and it takes us 5-7 hours to get there.

What should i do to not get bored? and what to bring?




  1. Disco!

  2. I'm a teenager myself so I always find ways to keep myself busy. Here are a few things that I have done to keep myself busy while on a 6 hour car trip

    1) I uploaded movies on my ipod and watched Fight Club and The Notebook and when I got bored, I listened to music.

    2) I bought 2 magazines and read them.

    3) I brought a little snack and a drink ( m & m's and pepsi)

    4)Look at a map

    5) Play a game- my sister and I played a game where we tried to spotr as many red cars as we could. I won :)

    6) Draw--it's really important to bring pen and a paper and while you're at it crayons too so that u can color.

    7) Gum, Gum, Gum-time flies when I'm chewing it and just looking out the window.

    8) Other Games- I Spy and What # am I thinking of?

    9) Play cards-I recommend war and old maid. Fun for all ages!

    10) Plan to stop halfway along. That way u can rest and refresh

    11) Buy magnetic board games-they won't fall even when the ride is bumpy

    12)The Alphabet Gamer-find something that starts with an A and work ure way down to Z

    13) Do mad libs-fun, funny, and allows time to pass

    14) Rock, Paper, Scissors

    15) Buy a DVD player. U could get a descent one for about $100 and dvd's for as low as $5 at Walmart. If you estimate that a movie is about 2 hours. You will be in Minneapolis after watching about 3 movies.

    Hope I helped!

  3. There are two games I play.

    1) Alphabet game- you have to spot each letter of the alphabet on billboard signs in order.  Fun, no real winners or losers.

    2) State Plate game-  This is a game my hubby and I started.  We tried to find as many different state plates as possible.  Semi's don't count, since they are usually traveling through.  Also, you can't use the state you are in (ie. if you are in Texas you have to try to find the other 49 states).  See how many you can find.  I think our max was like 20.  Good game if you're tired, helps you to stay awake and alert.

  4. Sleep

    Bring a portable DVD player

    Read a book...especially magazine

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