
What to do on a plane?

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anyone have any ideas on what to do on a 3 hour plane ride? there's no tvs on this plane




  1. The actual amount of time you are level in the air is going to be shorter than three hours. taking away takeoff, and landing the flight will be around 2 1/2 hours. If there are no TVs the best thing to do is to listen to music, like a CD player or mp3! You could bring a laptop or a portable DVD player to watch your own movies! Other good things you can do: sleep if you can, read a book or magazine, get up and walk around if you get antsy!

  2. 1) Read a good book 2) solve puzzles 3) go to toilet 4) drink lots of water 5) enjoy the scenes below the plane 6) enjoy the food given

  3. With take off and landing, you are looking at 2 hours of time to use electronics.  I sometimes bring my computer and do work, watch movies/Pod casts on my computer/iPod. (Make sure you bring earphones if you plan to use the computer or portable DVD player to watch something).  I always have plenty of reading material.  Mostly, I take  little naps and enjoy the break out of my schedule.  3 hours will go quickly; its not that long of a flight.

  4. If you have an iPod, I would load that sucker up with an audio book, or podcasts, and some good music.  Try to relax.  Three hours will be up before you know it!

  5. Poo in the toilet, very relaxing

  6. 3 hours is nothing

    umm dont read i hate reading listen to music no its boring umm ok

    every 2 mins go and ask for a blanket tell the lady gets annoyed

    lol get bunch of blankets and pillows and make ur place confo read a magazine and if the lady shouts tell her weell ur chair hurts my back and now please dont disturbe lol thats what i do kick the people infront of u  have fun

  7. You could read a book or magazine, listen to music or watch movies on your mp3 device Or sleep.
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