
What to do on a very boring day at work?

by  |  earlier

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There is no work to do............

Any websites, things to do? Stuff I can do while at my desk.

No game sites because I get into them (lol) & I constantly have to direct my attention to other people.

I'm very very bored.




  1. My favorite websites at work are Yahoo Answers and Craigslist.  You can always find a good bargain or sell something.  

  2. You are telling me! I work 40-60 hours at an office, by myself and it's really slow. I might have 4 people come in or call ALL DAY. Sometimes its 12 hour days

    I watch movies, read my book, go a little crazy on yahoo answers, I don't know but maybe you could start a myspace or facebook, I play on facebook a little, sometimes I text friends, and I even do little workouts. It get's really boring and I'm tryin to loose weight and get into shape for basic.. and that's hard when I'm sitting for this long.


    go to library

    in the box click on music

    u can listen to any type of music for free

  4. Clean your area up, dust, clean out your desk. Make out your will, anything.

  5. open an account with


    both theese sites pay you to do pretty much nothing. They're set up just like Myspace or something...but you actually make money just for making friends and scocialize! Isn't that awesome? Invite all your friends and you can chat from across teh office :)

    I hope your day gets less boring

  6. I wish I had your job and was allowed to be bored!

    For humor:,

    For boredom: seriously, go to

    For thinking:

    For search engine wars:

    For time wasting:


  7. Y/A and games

  8. StumbleUpon will take you to websites according to your likes

  9. mess with co workers

  10. I ussually log in to Yahoo Answers and answer away until I can't answer anymore..

    I know you said no games BUT, another fun thing to do is to log in to AIM or YIM and play a game with a friend  =)

    Today is one of my slow days too, so im here answering questions like yours..

    Enjoy the rest of your day!  =)

  11. and yahoo answers

  12. park it right here at yahoo answers

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