
What to do on an airplane A.S.A.P?

by Guest62192  |  earlier

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ANY ideas on what to do on an airplane?




  1. look out the window

    its fun

    take pictures

    talk to someone

    listen to music

    play on your lap top

  2. sleep is what tons of people will tell. i personally can NOT sleep on planes so i read, i listen ot my mp3 player, i draw, i write in my notebook, i sketch out designs and ideas for my next sewing project, or i watch one of their movies if its a flight with the tvs in the back of the seats. if you have a ps or any hand held games play them.

  3. bring your ipod, download it with more music, videos and movies if you have space.

    if you have a PSP then bring that and play games and you can even watch movies on that too, buy used movies - they are cheaper.

    if you bring a computer you can watch movies and download some games before you leave.

    check out a few books from the library or go to borders and buy  a new release or a book on the top 10 list.

    buy magazines before you go to the airport, or if you have friends who have old magazines ask them if you could have them for the trip.

    go to target or walmart and check out the handheld video games they have, these arent the PSP ones, these are the little 20 dollar ones that only play one game or two.  bring extra batteries.

    bring a neck pillow to take a nap. if you get cold then bring a jacket or small blanket if you have room in your carry on.  some planes are charging for pillows and blankets now.

    bring snacks, some airlines have been charging for meals for a while and even for snacks.... bring stuff that wont get crushed or melt in your carry on.

    hope you find something to keep you busy!!! have fun

  4. I get slightly motion sick so I avoid anything that involves reading or looking down at your lap in general. I suggest loading up your iPod or CD player with a book on tape or podcasts of some kind. Can be much more entertaining than just music. For example, I downloaded a bunch of discussions about episodes of "The Office" last plane trip I took. I was giggling all the way there. :-)

  5. Read, listen to music, sleep, crossword puzzles, knit...

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