
What to do on middle school?

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hey, i'm going to middle school this august 25, so i wanted to know, what's like, how girls and guys are, do you make friends easy, are they real, what up with teachers, period (haven't got it), and tips, and stuff


i'm not fashionista, i'm her cousin :)




  1. well I'm going to be in high school this year so heres what i think

    for girls - if your going to be in 6th grade make as much friends as possible because by 7th grade some girls start getting really mean and not wanting to invite you into their little "group" because some don't want to make new friends they just want to stay in clicks but not all girls are like that so don't worry to much about it

    guys are just immautre at that age

    making friends can be hard but it does take effort and time

    teachers are ok, some can be rude but still recpect them they may be kinder to you

    um for your period when you do get it (most get it in 6th or 7th grade) just be prepared for it, like keep pads in your locker for when its time or some quarters because some restromes have little vending machines were you can buy a pad or a tampon, or this but you may not wanna do it. Like say its the first day you get your preiod and you have nothing to use or cant buy anything you should go up to a female teacher or school nurse and ask for help, or the more easy way is to ask a friend if you can borrow a pad or tampon or a quarter, but if they don't have anything to loan you need to go to a female teacher to help you, you will probaply be humillated but their probaply don't mind helping sense they have been there and most teachers keep a box of pads in their desk draws or some were hidden in the class room for girls.

    for cheerleading I don't think you have to be flexiable because most kids aren't

    well good luch with middle school!

  2. well for every school is different

    some girls might be mean or nice same as guys but if a guys mean to you he may like you

    some guys might be a jerk or not

    teachers will be nice or mean like i said it depends

    some girls might others not

    girls will be real yes and no

    just try to watch all the bring it on movies to get idaes hope this helps and hope u make the team i might try out myself cause my friend said she liked it a lot she was at my school 2 years running but than like i said ervey school different

    also dont get caught up in drama i did that in 7th grade turst me not fun and not good but my ex friend would srat it though and a copule of other people as well


  3. Middle School can be really fun. You get to meet more people and make new friends. Most of the girls are usually gossiping and guys are just... talking or plaing sports. Friends are quite easy to make, as long as you treat them nicely. But it is not easy to see if your friends are real or not. So, it's better to be more cautious and try to not offend them or talk about others behind their back. Teachers are pretty nice, but they can also get abit... cranky when they are in a bad mood. And also, don't get involve in dramas or start one!

    Well, good luck in middle school! Have fun!

  4. well im going into middle school this year on August 14.. so close.... im scared but excited. Iam goin into 6th grade. Its supposed to be great and the best school years ever. There is a lot of gossip and i was told to wait for boyfriends for 7th grade and 8th. i also heared that everyone hates the 6th graders because they are little, i think we will be ok though.

    About cheer, i am a cheerleader and i can teven do a cartwheel. I am a base, the person that holds people up, because i am tall. so u dont have to be a stretchy person. Good Luck.

  5. You will be pressured to try alcohol,drugs any many other things that are bad for you.Stay away from the bad and and make smart choices and you will remain a winner in life.    

  6. Don't worry about it over, Middle school isn't that hard, at the start of year 7 teachers pile on the work to scare you into thinking its a lot of work, and try to get you into good study habits. If you get into keep em, trust me, I'm currently in yr 11 and wish i could study.

    Girls in year 7 seem to make friends quickly and easily so don't worry about that, Guys on the other hand are immature at that age and most of em are hitting puberty. Males hitting puberty pretty much means they get horny, so you'll hear a lot of s*x talk.

    Just have fun, Middle school are some great years. Primary is better though :P

  7. just be yourself! dont worry and have fun! :)

    Be nice and make as many friends as you possibly can!

  8. well about the cheer leading they wouldn't let u do cheer leading till 7 or 8 but if they let u do cheer leading try doing some stretches

    every  nite.and jus practice u will become flexible and when i  is 6th grade ppl jus sometimes came up to me and we started being friends and talking and some i already had met b4 school started but jus b yourself and everything will fall in place. well always bring all ur supplies to class,listen,and usually the first week they r pretty easy on u and help u alot.

    hope i helped:) :)

  9. at first it may seam weird, but after a while, its a much needed relief.

    stay away from bad choices!!!

    and stay away from doing poor work, always pay attention and have fun!!  

  10. im going into 8th grade, soo i know somethings,

    its fun, ull love changing classes. and lunch is a blast!

    u make friends super easy!

    teachers go easy on you, when your in 6th grade and the period thing, yeahh it totally sucks, and smell, butt... you have to live with it, sucks.

    my first time was really bad!

    i had to go home!

    butt im sure u will handle it fine, everyone has it soo dont feel left out.

    i cant believe yall have cheerleaders!


    well dont be a flyer is my best tip, my the girl, on the bottom.

    and if your wanting to be on the cheer  team, cuz cheerleaders are always popular, dont, all they do is think there the bomb,and its just not cool, they end up being biyatches:)

    aww, good luck:)

    hope i help:)

  11. You will make friends easy! There is a friend for everyone everywhere! It depends on the teachers some will be nice and no homework some will not. Just dont get into drama and try out for cheer. If you dont get in oh well you will still have fun! I can't help you about your period because I have not gottin it myself and I am in 8th lol!!! PLEASE help me too!;...

  12. well i go to a smaller middle school. when i first started, i was really nervous cuz i never had to change periods either. but i got pretty used to where the classes were after maybe 1-2 weeks or less. as for making friends, i went to an all girls school so it was alot easier because they werent mean (not that everyone in a public school is like that but they couldnt brag about their clothes cuz we had uniforms) and everyone was realy nice. and the teachers are nice too. they can seem mean but you just have to know them better.

    good luck!!



    SHE CAN  OLNY GOTO pratis cuseher grades

  14. idk about cheerleading but about  middle skool, relax. i have been in the same school and almost same class as my sis in elemantary but she is a year yunger so i was dying of nerves couse she wasnt with me. relax though it turned out i LOVE my skool. its easy to make frainds sometimes even though in some middle skools, fads take a big role. i usually don't follow them but hey, what the heck. depending on the skool, the students. teachers are usually not verynice even though youll findquite a bit fun ones. you memorize your clases by the thrid week and about your period, theres usually a machine there. [tmapons and pads for 25 cets]

  15. middle school was fun for me, but make sure you aren't involved in any drama. it will follow you until you graduate highschool! usually teachers are nice to you if you are a suck up, so bring them an apple or two. :) friends are easily made. sometimes you have to aproach them first though, don't be a shy one! :) have fun, good luck!!

  16. Its really actually a blast.


    I always got stuck in it. But the teachers are pretty great and you just change periods every 40 minutes or so. Well at my school we do.

    You make friends pretty easy but dont trust everyone cause you dont really know them at first. Just act like yourself and you will be fine. Be nice to everyone and be confident. And guys can sorta be a little imature. Hope I helped :)

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