
What to do?

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my 2 1/5 year old crys ever time i take him to preschool what should i do? the teacher always says that hes crying for me though out the day any suggestions?




  1. How long has your child been in preschool? I ask you this because children who have never been to preschool or away from a parent take longer periods to adjust. two in a half yr old especially because their biggest fear is abandoment. The child does not understand that because mommy and daddy are not with/her means that they have disappeared and not coming back. This is very frightning to a young child. If the child is new to the preschool there is an adjustment phase. The younger the child the longer it can take for the adjustment to happen. A good 2 yr old preschool teacher is aware of the developmental stage your child is in and should be trying to bond with your child. The child needs to bond with the teacher in order to feel safe and secure. Observe how the preschool teacher interacts with your child, and how your child responds to the teacher. There should be a good fit between child and caregiver. I assure you that when there is a connection between the teacher and your child the separation anxiety will lesson greatly and then become non existent.

    Your child might need to stat out a little slower in preschool. Perhaps going just a couple of hours a day at first, then gradually more hours. Always say goodbye to your child when leaving and tell her/him that you will back .

  2. Carry the child's favorite toy with him. Also a blanket too.

    The child should be home til the age of 3.

    Hope things work out.

  3. He has seperation anxiety, very common in children that age especially when they are starting preschool or childcare. The teacher should have already given u tips on how to handle this, always say goodbye to ur child, dont hang around as this makes it worse etc, most children go thru this so dont worry too much. If he has a special blanket or toy or security thing then take that with him to preschool so he has some sense of security and this will help him to get used to being at preschool and he will soon learn that u will always come back for him

  4. could you put him in for just a few hours then gradually increase it? my daughter was the same, but i put my son in daycare young and he hasnt had any trouble. just know that its something they will get used to it just takes time. ignore anyone who says you shouldnt sent young kids to preschool - how else will they learn that theres more to the world than home. they will grow to love the place. my daughter now gets excited when shes going, she has so much fun! be strong and firm. good luck!

  5. He probably has a little seperation anxiety.  It will take time for him to adjust to his new schedule and school.  Make your good-byes quick but reassure him that you will be back at pick up time.  Maybe even take a picture of the two of you together that he can keep at school to look at throughout the day.  Good luck!
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