
What to do????????????????/

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my guppies had babies. what do i need to do????????????




  1. if you don't have fry food

    just simply crush up flake food so that it's powder like and feed it to them

    once you have a chance to get to the pet store, get "first Bites" for them or liquid fry food

    feed them 3-4 times a day,

    make sure the water is clean as well

  2. If you don't feed your guppies often then they might eat the babies...if theres places for the babies to hide then they should be fine...they're VERY smart....and if you dont have fry food then crush up flakes for now...if its possible go to the pet store and buy frozen BABY brine shrimp...the babies love this and will eat it....congratz on your babies =]

  3. you just provide them more plants to escape from their mom &give them crushed &baked egg yolk

  4. Do you have anything to feed a regular guppy crush them in to

    small little pieces.Also you should buy another tank if there is no more

    space.Just do what you do with your other guppies.Just think small

    sized until they become adult sized.

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