
What to do???????????

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One of my mother hamsters just had a litter about 3 days ago. And now she is dead. I want to know how do you think she died. The father is now trying to take care of them. I was at school when all of this happened. Please help me. What should I do with the body and what should I do with the pups. How do I take care of them. Please help. Best answer gets 10 points




  1. if they r syrians the dad probably killed the mom.....ur not supposed to have the dad in the cage.

  2. My first advice would be to consult a veterinarian. But in lieu of that, you could try calling a pet store for advice. The closer the babies are to being independent, the better chance you will have of being successful in hand raising them. If the babies have begun to eat solid foods (about 10 to 14 days old), they have a much better chance.

    Using an eyedropper, feed the babies a little kitten's milk, such as Whiska's or KMR, found in pet stores (or online at or If you can't find those, you can try low iron infant formula. In some stores, you can find a KMR Emergency Kit, which includes a dropper and instructions, along with the KMR formula.

    After feeding the babies, gently stroke their tummies to encourage digestion and elimination. You can use a moist cotton ball for this or rub lightly with your finger. This process would normally be done by their mother l*****g their tummies.

    Supplement the formula with lots of soft foods, like grated or cooked veggies, breads, and small pieces of fruit. Have plenty of dry food and water available. Keep the babies together in a nice,

    warm nest. They will help to keep each other warm.

    One positive thing about hand-raised babies is that they are used to human touch much sooner and can become quite attached to you.

    I would not allow the father near them.  They could begin to disappear one by one.  

    The babies will need to be fed by hand from the dropper every one-two hours or so.  Warm the milk formula like your would a baby's bottle.  Use the dropper or let a few drops of milk roll down your fingers for them to l**k.  Wipe them down with a soft tissue (all of their body) to make sure they are not wet.  You can cut the toes out of some warm socks to allow them to snuggle inside.  

    I am sorry for your loss.  Your hammy's body probably could not handle to shock of giving birth.  You did not mention what type of hammy you have.  Good luck being a new "mommy"!

  3. I would remove the father from the cage.  Unfortunately they tend to eat the babies.  Also, contact a vet or pet store right away.  A vet can advise you correctly on what to do.

    When my hamster passed away, we put her in a shoebox and buried her in the backyard.  You should definitely remove the body from the cage if you haven't yet.

    Good luck.

  4. Kitten replacement milk you need to feed them every few hour and start to stop at about 3 week and cut down, (yes that mean getting up in the night)

    Get the Kitten Replacement milk and start using it now also see the vet he can help call him first!
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