
What to do ???????

by  |  earlier

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Ok long story short, I have to do this fieldwork in 2 weeks which I have no skill or experience for it at all, which is KIDS!

The age group I'm alocated to is 5-7 years old.

So anything you can tell me, tips or whatever it is that would help me to be a good kids group leader, that'll be fantastic!

Thanks guys!! :D




  1. oh man. toddlers are really annoying. i got a 4 year old cousin and she always want to play with me. and if i don't play with her she screams and yells

  2. Just joke about with them, kids that age hate serious people. Tell em silly jokes and play games, hope it helps =)

  3. act as thoughthe kids know more than you and are cleverer. never shout or tell them off infront of everyone and try to be fun

  4. Patience is a virtue with this age group.

    I'm not entirely sure what you'll be doing with them but if you are doing anything that requires you to be in charge be sure to lay down your expectations the first day. I'm not saying beat the kids here, I'm saying if they have to sit in a circle or at chairs or whatever make sure they know that from Day 1. If they have to put their toys/activities away enforce it from Day 1.

    As I learned in teaching without discipline (by 'discipline' I mean expected parameters and limits) in the classroom (or wherever you are...) you have no control. Be firm, be fair and be that order. And I promise, they'll love you for it!

    Best of luck!

  5. kids that age are hilarious... talk to them like adults and ask them questions about situations or if they know who the president is for example and you'll crack up when you hear what they have to say... also try some arts and crafts with them or silly songs... youll enjoy yourself and so will the children

  6. Kids at that age love praise. Be sure to listen to them and let it be known to them that you are listening. Acknowledge what they do and tell them what a great job they are doing. they hate negativity. Be silly with them and make them laugh. hugs every once in awhile just for no reason at all makes them feel like you care and like them. Every time you see them, act like that you are so happy to see them. Be cheerful. You may get kids who had a bad time at home and may not be as cheerful as you are, pay more attention to those children, They wont tell you whats bothering them, they want you to figure it out and cheer them up. Just have fun with the darlings.

  7. Okay, what a GREAT question!

    I'm a Mom of four, the youngest of which is 14 this year.

    Get them all together as a group (round them up like they are cattle), and say something like:

    "...I've heard really good things about all of you.  What nice things can you say about each other?"

    At that point, you may have absolute silence, or many voices at once.  I suspect it will be voices all at once.  Make sure they all speak in turns, the first one to speak gets the floor.  I think you can probably take it from there.

    Good Luck!

    EDIT:  I tried to send you this but I got a "permanent failure" (at least, I think it was r/t this question.)

    Okay.  Get a whole bunch of crayons/pens/pencils, whatever you have. And a lot of paper.  Ask them to sit in a circle around you, and have them draw a picture of the kid directly to their (left, or right, it doesn't matter)  Give them about five minutes, and then pick one kid to start.  Make him/her talk about that kid.  IT CAN ONLY BE GOOD/NEUTRAL THINGS, nothing negative.  If it devolves in any way, ALWAYS bring the conversation to a lighter area.  It will give you a pretty good idea about the class you have and how the children are progressing.

    Good Luck.  You sound like a person that really cares about children.  The hardest thing about a big class is getting them all to listen to you without being mean.

    I really do hope I've helped!

  8. Dont treat them too dumbly , but give them hints dont get them to do written work keep them busy
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