
What to do? random thoughts.?

by  |  earlier

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my hubbie moved to a different state to get a better job; i'm military and can't move back with him. he's been gone for 2 weeks & i still don't miss him. i don't want to talk to him when he calls (oh, & he calls non-stop). we've been having problems for over 2yrs. he keeps telling me that this time it will be different. this time it'll get better. i don't see it actually getting better. i think he's full of it because not only do i have to check in with him every couple hours, now i have to let him know when i pay bills. i've been paying the bills since before we got married...why do i have to tell him i'm doing it now? he just makes me mad all the time. ARGH!! he makes me feel like he doesn't trust & i haven't done anything to deserve this treatment. i'm just mad & babbling now. advice would be good though, thanks.




  1. How about letting him pay the bills and save your money? haha

    mmm...tell him your busy and could he call you in the morning around 8 am and at night around 7 pm because you're going to bed early.

  2. Move over Bacon here comes some Sizzilen. lol

  3. Marriage or relationship counseling ever been considered.   Doesn't sound like a very overly happy or trustworthy relationship.  But perhaps with some outside help can be saved and put back on the right track.  You two obviously thought a lot of each other at one time as you walked down the aisle and took the vows. If they really meant anything to you then you would do everything in your power to make things better.  Relationships are not disposable and need to be worked on constantly.  Best of luck.

  4. First the name your using is goofy, she was more Amazon than heroin.

    You sound very unhappy 7 have probably been so for ages. Try a shrink & or religious advisor. Otherwise you sound like you should have never been together in the first place.  

  5. He should trust you, you have been paying bills before marriage. So why not! Talk to him and let him that it would best to seperate and give him your reasons. You can't help the way you feel.

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