
What to do? repeatably beating of a four year old!?

by  |  earlier

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My daughters best friend, a four year old boy told me in confidence that his mother, a new friend of mine, is beating him on regular bases. I was beaten as a child by my stepmother and are wherry much against that kind of behavior.

What can i do to help him without making things worst for him, i don't think his mother is wherry much to talk to.

My daughter and her best friend are going to the same preschool.




  1. happens when mother is stressed, tired, sick, angry with her own life, had been abused herself by someone else( family, parents, partner or work place abuse). Or she is stupid, does not have enough knowledge or parenting skills....these mothers need skills, need parenting skills....The other option is to keep the child away...having him to spend more time in day care or a safer place to spend most of the day

  2. a child would not lie about this and because he told you he is  looking for help, turn the mom in because she might hurt him real bad one day.

  3. Call Child Protective Services

  4. what you can do is (1)provide safety for the boy; (2) report to the officials; (3) refer them to appropriate agencies or organizations; and perhaps talk to the mother about what your going to do..Godbless

  5. What a tough situation! I would put the childs safety first and call authorities just to tell them. Let them know you have never seen this, but the boy told you in private. Maybe they can just look into it? If the child is being beaten, he needs to be protected ASAP! Best of luck to you  

  6. I would approach this with caution.Kids are sharp.He could be telling a story.To be safe I would call DHR or child services.They always keep callers anonamous and cannot reveil the origin of a complaint.

  7. You are in a tough situation and I am proud of you that you are trying to stick up for our children. But if he is being physically abused then your only course of action is to let an authority know. Now, unfortunately you have to decide how real this cry for help is and you must act on it. Have you considered going to the school nurse so maybe she can pull him aside to check for visible marks before calling child protective services.

    If this little boy is being honest and he is being hurt by the one person who is supposed to love him unconditionally, him reaching out to you is a huge step. You must proceed w/ great care and caution. Good luck w/ this very difficult situation and I hope that your choices are good ones.  

  8. well talk to the mother and start a relationship with her mabey shes going through a harsh divorce or family death...and shes venting!! it doesnt make it right  but the first step is to get to know her life and her issues than inspire her and be supportive to her so mabey  she will look to you for advice , and you could be the one to help this family!!!

  9. Talk to the mother. Like the other one said befriend her and know for yourself what is going on if there is truth to it or none at all. Maybe the mother is just disciplining the child and the kid just taken the spanking or punishment seriously. I think you should keep an eye for bruising and wounds as a clear proof of abuse before reporting it to the school or authority.

    I know of an incidents very close in my family that a child tell lies to other people to mask their own faults and grew up as adults that says bad things to their mother like they were abused as a child even if there is NO abuse.

  10. i would anonymously call DHS or whoever takes care of things like that where you live.Please don't wait.If she is beating him then she obviously does not care for him at all.

  11. What does yourr gut tell you? If you believe there's anything amiss, make the call!

    Another approach would be to talk to the preschool director. It may resonate with something s/he has observed, and s/he is a mandated reporter.

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