
What to do to avoid salmonella from Hermit crabs?

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I want to get a hermit crab and i cant get one if i cant avoid salmonella!




  1. Did you know that you can get salmonella from dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, horses, and humans? Salmonella is passed through the f***s of an animal, and you get it through ingestion. So just wash your hands after handling your pet and you will be fine.

    I have all sorts of pets, and work in a pet store, and have never gotten salmonella.

  2. just wash you hands after you to them

  3. As a rule hermit crabs don't transfer salmonella. When feeding raw foods, eggs, or meats be sure to keep it in there for a short time and wash your hands afterwards.

    When handling any pets it's recommended to wash your hands before and afterwards. Even cats and dogs.

    You shouldn't get one hermit crab you should get at least 2 or more.

  4. i use hand gel or wipe out 3 with my reptiles. The thing with hand gel is once you use it don`t go back and touch the animal i`m pretty sure that the hand gel is not good of the aniamls but if you want to use it after handleing them that is ok. Now the wipe out 3 can be used inbetween animals. Also in additon to hand-gel i would wash with warm water and soap from the elbow down and under the nails.

  5. Wash your hands with soap and water....DUH!

  6. You keep them in an enclosed space and wash your hands after every time you touch anything around it or the crab itself. Other than that, you can't do much.

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