
What to do to be a perfect teenager?

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What to do to be a perfect teenager?




  1. No one is perfect, never have been either.

    If you respect yourself then the respect due to others is within you also. That is a big step in growing up as a teenager. Hence, the respect due your parents flows freely from you.

    You love, accept, forgive and do your best every day to make the next day better. A lifelong lesson is sometimes best learned early on in life.

    You lead and let others follow. You make high goals for yourself and stick with them. You rationalize things and then make the better decision from it. You strive for success and not peer pressure.

  2. I don't think there's such a thing as the perfect teenager. Don't try to be perfect.

  3. you will never be perfect, no one is. so don't worry about it :)

  4. First of all - perfect does NOT exist, the word should be removed from our dictionary.

    To be a great teenager, you need compassion for mankind.  You need to feel loved from your family.  You need to laugh and love life.  You need to realize that you will change your mind ALOT.  Seek healthy advice from adults you feel safe with.  Believe in your self and follow the path that feels good to YOU and not every one around you.  Think about the passions in you about life and your interests and find out more about those things.   Remember, life will happen so make sure you are true to yourself.

    Oh yes, I would like to know why you are worrying about being perfect to begin with???   If someone is saying something like that to you, they are wrong to even do so.  I am a mom, and expect my teens to make a bunch of mistakes and try again and again.  Shoot, mistakes happen in our lives forever.  Feel good about who you are.

  5. what the h**l is the 'perfect teenager'?

  6. i would be concerned if any of my 5 boys (when they were teenagers) were perfect. you have to make mistakes to learn from them. My 2 oldest were so-so, the next 2 were way out there, and still are. the last is a teenager now. He is a high honors student who works hard and for the most part is a really good kid. but he likes his pot

  7. There is no such thing as a perfect teenager, no such thing as a perfect adult, no such thing as a prefect child, no such thing as a perfect toddler, etc, etc, etc,  Just be you and try to keep out of trouble.  

  8. If you're older 13 and under 19, you're a teenager, you don't need to prove it cause you ARE one!

  9. to be a PERFECT teenager you need to be between the ages of 13 and 19, rebel against all authority, listen to loud rebelious music, challeng the beliefs of your parents and the authority figures that surround you, and throw 1 HUGE house party, like in the movies.

    if you do all that by the time your 19 you will become perfect and a golden aura will shine around you wherever you go.

  10. Hmmm

    Is there a definition for a 'perfect teenager'???

    If there is plz tell me

    other wise be yourself!


  11. Don't drink, do drugs, or smoke. Don't back talk, remember your manners, and don't get pregnant! Stay out of prison too! By the way there is NO such thing

  12. Follow your parents rules with out question. Keep your grades up in school. Do extra chores around the house with out being ask.Stay out of trouble at school and with the law. Set good examples for others. Do not do things just because every one else does them. Alway be kind and couritious.I hope this is of some help to you and Good Luck.

  13. just be yourself, there are no perfect people have fun and be your self

  14. There's no such thing as a perfect teenager.  It is an oxymoron.  Sorry doll.

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