
What to do to calm north American Indian heritage for benefits to go back to school?

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how to trace my north american indian heritage. where do i start and what information do i need to prove my heritage?




  1. You will have to prove your genealogy of at least your last four generations (great-grandparents) Once you get your information of all those members you can determine what % you are. Start off with asking your elder relatives of names and dates of birth, marriage, death. Also determine where they lived and get documentation as birth certificates, marriage and death. You need to be something like 1/16 th Am. Indian. But you will have to check that out further. I am making a judgement from what I heard once.

  2. Well see the Motherfuckin (yea, censor my words b*****s) governments and the seperate state tribes have their own standards, you either have to have a DNA test to show the percentage, or show a census paper to prove it, you can't have your tribes benefits or any ethnicity's benefits if you don't have enough blood, that is their laws and yes it's a ***** move,

    see ya playa!


    Whoever put the thumbs down, that too is a ***** move

  3. First you need to do some basic genealogy, tracing yourself to your parents, grandparents, etc all of the way to the person you believe to be an American Indian. You need to determine which tribe that person was a part of and contact that tribe directly. The tribe will let you know whether or not your ancestor is listed on their base roll. Assuming they are listed on the base roll, you would then have the proof you are seeking. You then must become enrolled in the tribe in order to qualify for tribal funding or other funding reserved for American Indians.

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