
What to do to get my cockatiels to mate?

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Is there a book or something that tells just what to do to get my cockatiels to mate, They have consummated the friend ship but no luck so far . What now ?




  1. First thing is first. You need to get your female on a good diet. If shes not already on a pelleted diet than you might want to switch her to one. Get Vitamin supplements for her water and sometimes you can sprinkle them on the food...just as long as she gets ALOT of calcium. Get the appropriate size Nesting box and either attach it to the outside of the cage and cut a hole or if the cage is large enough you can put it the cage. You can put shred up white plain paper towls or an old towl or nesting materials that you can find at pet store. Aspen bedding works but DO NOT use pine or corn cob. The rest is up to them. The male will usually go in first and put things in order. Once he finds that its okay the female will go in and do her thing. Sometimes they will shred whatever you put in there more or even chew up the perch that most nesting boxes have. They once that all happens they will usually start to mate. BUT dont get your hopes to high. Sometimes even bonder birds dont mate. Cockatiels are rather easy to mate though. Once she starts laying eggs just try to leave them alone. Dont handle the eggs to much. They will do everything on their own. She will start laying eggs  and they will come one every other day. You will know when she has an egg about to come out cuz between her legs you will see a big bulge. Once the babies are born they will feed them and take care of them so there is really no need to do anything yet. When they get bigger and can hold them selves up you can start to handle them and this is good for both of you. This will help the baby get use to being handled by humans and make it so if you decide to sell them they will be able to find homes easily. If you need any more information Google "Breeding Cockatiels" and there is TONS of information. Your local pet store should have a general book on cockatiels which should have some info on breeding. Good LUCK

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