
What to do to improve on girls' volleyball skills in 2 weeks for tryouts?

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I'm 14, and we have no freshman team. Ideally, I want to make varsity, but I'd be fine with JV as well. I've always liked volleyball, and started by doing camps during sixth and seventh grade. Last year (8th grade) I played for a club where I learned A LOT of stuff. I'm now a pretty good Outside. But the season was during Winter and Spring (we didn't have a volleyball team for Middle school) and during the summer, I've been doing a camp once a week, but it doesn't seem like enough with volleyball tryouts coming in 2 weeks. I feel out of shape, so what are things I should eat & do to extra prepare me since its soo soon? Don't just say to run.. I run so spastically, how can I get into the habit of doing it? Like give tips, because its hard to get the will power even though I wanna get good for volleyball since we have to run a mile in 10 mins and I want to be able to run faster. I was so much better at the end of club but its just that I don't play as often anymore. So every tip you can give is greatly appreciated! :)




  1. AH! My volleyball tryouts were yesterday, today, and tomorrow. If you're an outside I would work on your approach jump and arm strength. I ran my mile in 8 minutes today at tryouts. Just take deep breaths and long strides and try not to walk at all. When you run (you should daily for the next two weeks) increase your pace a LITTLE each day and try to get a better time. Eat protein (meats, eggs, nuts, beans) and calcium (milk, cheese, yogurt) to build muscle and strong bones. Really work on all three hitting positions though (outside, center, and back) and also try to begin your shindig and rolls.  

  2. We've just started our vball conditioning and we have been doing tons of lounges and net jumps and rolls.

  3. hmm my tryouts started yesterday, our team had practices over the summer so i went to a few of those. u shud check and see if your team does them too. most do.

    As far as things to work on..

    --get a vball and pass it to someone or on a wall its perfectly fine. make sure u have a good stance and u aren't too stiff.

    --on the wall work on setting, make a diamond with ur fingers at ur forehead and push outward towards the ball. like superman. um then work on spiking.

    --practice jumping as high as u can. then do ur approach. THEN add the ball. hav someone toss or set it to you.

    --for high school u shud try to hav an overhand serve so try to get it the way ur most comfortable making as many in bounds as u can.

    sorry bout the running...i hate it too thankfully we dont hav to do a mile....anyways its high school and they want their most dedicated players so conditioning is key for them to figure out who REALLY wants to be there. and they will probably run u the most during the tryouts. so everyday try increasing the amount u condition because its important.

    and last but not least do LOTS of ab workouts and arm workouts....more ab then arms tho. do crunches and stuff. and also stretch alot. before and after u workout and practice but alsom inbetween it is important to have good flexabliliy.

    hope this helps


  4. my volleyball tryouts just started and i so wish i had advice because im out of shape and so sore just from the first day.

    walk run do lunges try and cut out calories and just do all you can to strengthin you legs and ankles. dont go overboard though because you will be sore before it even starts take it easy and do small things to get in shape

    good luck and i hope this helped

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