
What to do to make the Vision 2020 a reality?

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Please, Let Us have clear objectives what to do to achieve this and expose to all the citizens of India. It must be the country's objective, so that every single individual should need to work on that. Only then it will be a reality. Let us make this dream turns into reality.




  1. First Things First!

    Throw the dirty politicians in the occean...

    First of all


    For the question - What qualifications are required to be the Indian President?

    Answer - Presidential Post in India is not for the qualified people. This has been well proven... Does anybody still have any doubts?

  2. it's a mountains work but i believe that the first and foremost thing is to have a MIND REVOLUTION when we r ready from mind all other things can take care of themselves.

  3. We should express our political will to realise the vision saying good bye to pretty politics and vested interests.

  4. to set goal and work.

  5. it is possible with Dr.Abdul Kalam's message that we Indians have to be self-confident.

    We have intellectuals ,professionals in the country  a nation we can create wonders..But I always wonder that when we r in search of people to lead us y do we end up with corrupt politicians..

    so the first step to achieve our aim  is to elect  the best leaders or become the one ourselves..

  6. re-elect Kalam

  7. ya we must.the main hurdle in this vision is braindrain by the youth. if that cn be sttoped then this mission might successed

  8. Let the politicians dream about vision 2020. The citizens of India already dreaming about a better future for their country and for themselves. Only the politicians are reluctant to dream, because they are the only community better off in reality nowadays.

  9. No one can make Vision 2020 a reality all by himself. We are more than a billion people; if not all, at least most of us will have to change ourselves for the better.

    1. Do your work honestly.

    2. Maintain cleanliness. Don't throw that soft drink can on the roads. it isn't too hard to carry it till u find a bin.

    3. Don't bend the laws. Try not to jump those red lights, and then bribe the police officer.

    Now imagine a billion people following these postulates...... Vision 2020 accomplished!!

  10. Transparency in policy,revamping bureaucracy,re-engineering the political system of Democracy,reorganising education policy which is vital so that, the vision 2020 can be in reality.In education all restriction should be totally deleted except a single point examination system to be conducted in,2 stages i.e Fist at high school level,Second at completion of desired education only.All these secondary,degree and diploma level examinations as well as the entrance should be abolished

  11. vision 2020 is'int impossible to achieve..well i believe the first step is to set realistic goals..we have to work honestly both on the individual and collective level..we have to simple things right like exercise our power to vote and select deserving candidates rather than nagging about our govt and its our bills and taxes in many of us complain about the country's high illiteracy rates..many right..but how many of us  have actually taken a step towards this i dnt mean to say that go and become a teacher, as i said earlier do simple  things right and everything will fall into this case teach ur maid's children and tell her about the importance of family planning or pay their  school fee..believe me its more satisfying than sporting a pair of levi's denims which just gives u a temporary high..

    teach ur children and siblings the power of self belief, patience and hard patriotic..who could say 5 years be4 that INDIA would be growing with a rate of 9.4% annually..then y go abroad? india rocks!!be like a phoneix have the courage to rise 4rm the ashes  ...things are a diverse democracy like india where 4 religions co-exist peacefully i think there is no question of st/bc should be not be given priority over meritous student..we need leaders who are confident and are self made rather than a pityed-upon medicores..i think all these steps clubbed together can do wonders..india has already made its mark on the world hold ur heads high and say that ur an INDIAN..

  12. Well, My answer might be a bit harsh... But it can work for sure...

    We can pass a rule stating that, Every Indian who studies under a scholarship programme or an Indian who has graduated from one of the best institutions (IIT, IIM, Anna Univ, etc.,) should be given a job in India and he/she must be bonded to work for India for atleast 5 years, before they can take up some other jobs from abroad.

    Not only Government can give them a job, but the private sectors can also come into this and take up excelling students and give them a job and bond them for atleast five years..

    This answer will not look very harsh if we take the percentages in concern about the Indians working abroad.

    90% of the excelling students from best institutions in India leave India immediately after their graduation and go to work for other countries which can offer them a high salary.

    Even if we cannot bond all the people from institutions, We can bond people who have accquired a scholarship from Government or an Educational loan from an Indian Nationalized Bank, because these scholarships and loans are given only on the basis of Merit.

  13. There should be some short term and long term plans for all of us.Short term plan in the sense we should set some goals regarding how to keep our premices clean .That means it can be achieved with in a short time.Later our main goal shoula be like keeping our world clean.That means it can be achieved for a long time.Like that my suggestion is make shortterm and long term plans and execute everything to acchieve all those plans..

    Thank you..

  14. By the way can you please tell me what is Vishion 2020?

  15. with rahul as PM and Chidambaram as FM, things will pretty much remain same. Vision 2020 is Sonia's empire extending ll over the country.

    Yes, this will be a reality

  16. Nothing extra_ordinary is required. Just be honest and sincere in you work. Don't work for the employee. Whether people see you or not you do your work because it helps for the development of the country. Sincerety in obeying national laws and paying taxes. It increases national income. Sincerety in using the tax- money for nations welfare. This will reduce the gap between the rich and the poor.

    I just propose one virtue for all the three departments of the government.  Be honest and sincere in your work.

    Legislature:  Spent each minute to think of the welfare of the nation not your own survival

    Judiciary: Be honest and sincere in your judgement. Care not even if he is bada-babu. Every one should dread your sincerity.

    Executive: Execute the law impartially and honestly. Don't serve the rich and the powerful and eat what they throw at you.

    "Be sincere and honest" to make Vision 2020 a reality.

  17. We should bring our views as a citizen in front of our president and accordingly needed actions should be taken and then surely our vision 2020 will become a true sucess.

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