
What to do to pass the time

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and his family have invited me to come with them to their summer cabin this weekend. Only problem is i have orientation on friday so i'm taking the train out to a town nearby. The train ride there is 2 hours. I'm wondering, is there anyway i can get internet access from my laptop/what other ideas do you guys have for passing the time? I don't want to fall asleep cuz waking up at the wrong place when I'm not familiar with the area is not really my idea of fun, lol.




  1. .. listen to music..

    or talk to people..

    bring a book.. or something

  2. Don't know about having internet but what about reading a book or a couple of magazines. A good book can really pass the time.

  3. Reading really passes the time...if you get caught up in a book you can sometimes wonder where the time went. Do you have a personal DVD player? You can watch a movie with some headphones so not to disturb anyone else...

    Here are some examples in case you want to get one for your trip...

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