
What to do to resolve some issues.?

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Okay so my problem is my s*x drive, mojo, libido, whatever you want to call is gone. I never get turned anymore since like January! So I think it's a number of things but I mean I just need to get my drive back to at least have somthing to live for. I'm going to paraphrase here to get you caught up. Dated a girl through high school for 3 years and broke up with her because she didn't want me to be with my family. I've dated girls since her, but have this negative outlook on relationships and end up sabotaging them. But I find most relationships I get into are based on s*x. I've been having s*x since Jan, but it's not like it used to be. I also think maybe due to some unprotected encounters I've had maybe I'm carrying some guilt. Then there is money problems going on at home which is why I had to move back in to help my family and now I just feel drained. Don't laugh as much, don't get horny as much and can't take a joke on my behalf, which I've always could before. So I don't know I just don't want to be so tightly wound anymore. I did meet a girl the other night and felt a bit of a connection, but by now my self esteem is so d**n low I just feel like a loser. How the h**l can I pull my self back up from this? The only thing that's keeping me some what sane is drawing. But I need to get back to my old self. It's almost been like a half of a year I've felt like this.




  1. libido seems to be just a symptom of a bigger problem - depression. you have been disappointed in love, feeling guilty, worried about money, living with your parents again, afraid to make emotional connections...

    Bob, you should talk to a therapist about this, don't let it drain you even more. drawing is great, creativity is an excellent way to help fight depression, but it is not enough. the changes in your life kinda scared you, which happens to all of us growing up, but it can be hard. you are young, you should not waste your time on being depressed. there is help.

    until you get help, relax and exercise, it is so important for our spirit. and for libido too. ;)

  2. You need a therapist and some mild anti-depressants. Trust me this will help.  

  3. My suggestion is that you talk with a medical practitioner about it.  He can also check to see if there maybe other things that are causing the problem besides your current situation.

  4. It sounds like you are experiencing some signs of depression.  I would suggest you talk to your physician about getting a referral to a psychologist.  

    Therapy to help you deal with the issues you are experiencing can get you back on track to a happier, healthier you.  Sometimes people will need to be on medication for a period of time to help get over the immediate physical symptoms and I would suggest you talk openly to the therapist about what is going on.  They are there to help.

    Good luck and remember you are worth the time, energy and effort it will take to get you feeling like your old self.


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