
What to do when a crazy parent won't stop e-mailing?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I have been advertising the last few weeks. I started recieving e-mails from a parent yesterday. At first they were nice, she offered me more than I was asking for and I accepted.

Then her in her next e-mail she wants to go back on her price and then start telling me that she is not even sure she wants to place her child with me beacause of the "area" I live in!

I then refered her to a local agency and wished luck.She e-mailed again!This time she said she had a least 5 other "preschools" willing to take her chill at a lower rate than I was charging. I replyed that I was gald she found someone else and advised her to check them out very carefully and not to go for the lowest rate. I than told her not e-mail me and if she she did I would call the police. Guess what she e-mailed me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This time she is telling me she is going to call licsening on me for false advertising!!! SHE OFFERED THE HIGHER RATE

What can I do. I have marked her e-mail address as junk




  1. One thing you could do is just ignore her or block her from being able to send you emails. If she goes around that then she is harrasing you then you need to report her to the police. let them know the situation and go about it from there. Make sure you have all of her emails printed out so you can show them the initial contact

  2. ignor her u r the betr prsn dnt play her game licensing wil investigate the report 1st. ther unfortunatly is ppl like her evrywer.Stop respondn 2 her.

  3. Ok,  first of all, block her from e-mailing you.  Next print out at least 3 copies of all e-mails between both of you.

    Next  call the police.  You threatened to, now do so.  They may not be able to really do anything but go speak to her and warn her.  If she continues, call the police again.  Always get copies of police reports.  If she doesn't stop get a restraining order.

    You wouldn't want her child at your child care facility anyway.  She sounds nutty and like she would be a problem parent.

    You do not have to accept her child at your child care establishment.  No one can force you to do "Business" with someone.  And that is what you are in  BUSINESS. How is this false advertising.  She is just trying to get a better price, she sounds like a bully,  just call the police and be done with it.  CYA   Hope she does rant and rave at the police about alse advertising, etc.  She'll look stupid, and you'll be good.

    And always:

    Be sure you have a thorough contract that spells all details out and be sure all parents read it, sign it and acknowledge - in writing - receiving a copy of your contract and rules and regulations.

  4. the other guys right! if you report her, then she'll surely report you, unless she's dumb. just print copies of your email and her email for later references. but if you have nothing to hide, then go on.

    if you do want to block her, you should tell your email company your using. the company might block her for you or give you an assistance on how to block her. you could also try marking her as spam if your email service had that feature.

  5. Not much you can do unless you want to report her to the police/state's attorney for harassing you.  

    If you do report her, you can almost guarantee that she will report you to the licensing Bureau and then they will investigate you.

    Make sure you keep all of her e-mails (print them out and keep several copies).

  6. I would save all of your emails that she sent you and all of the emails that you sent her.  If you did not false advertise then I wouldn't worry about it.  She is probably just trying to scare you because she didn't get what she wanted.  It should blow over.  Good luck!

  7. Ok.  Are you licensed?  If so, contact that agency and see what has been said about you, if anything.  Ask them what should be done in a situation like yours and go from there.  You can't do much else, since you've already blocked her email address.

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