
What to do when a store refuses to accept responsibility for short-changing a customer? ($5)?

by  |  earlier

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Bought some items at a grocery store. When the cashier gave me my change, I noticed that I was $5 short. When I brought this to the attention of the cashier (who had turned her back on me), she insisted that she gave the correct change, but she would check her cash at the end of the shift. The following day I returned and spoke with the manager who promptly told me that she checked the cash found nothing amiss and I must have lost it. My objections were ignored and I stormed out of the store.




  1. Honestly, if you know you were right, then you dont let this go without question.  If you have already spoke to the store manager then, you will want to take it to the next level and speak to the owner/operator.  With most stores you can work your way up with out a problem.  You have to be pushy and let them know you are right and they are in the wrong.  If the operators which are the hierarchy of the store do not help you, you would then need to go to the corporate office.  Most all of the time those who work for corporate offices have to help you in some way otherwise it goes against their company policies.  On very rare occasions you will have really bad companies that just dont help the customer and then if i were you i would let the entire company know that you were mistreated including the president of the company. {have it in writing}Tell everyone you know personally that they are a bad company to purchase from and if you wanted to take it to extremes you could even write your state congressman a letter stateing what happened and they usually always take care of the problem.

  2. E mail a complaint to their headquarters and cc it to the editorial department of every news paper.

    Maby you will get your money back.

    If not well you did all you could and they will see on your e-mail who else got your complaint and they will know you did all you could to.

    If a company has so much ego to repramand a casheir that pockets money they deserve something.

    You could try to imbaress them into paying you like make a picket sighn or something.

    I know a guy who hired a sky writer when sprint ripped him off you know what it worked he got his pay.

    I wish the world did force people to go through that kind of stuff.

    there you go.

    . . . Walton financed the campaign and his subsequent travels with the $1.7 million settlement he won from Sprint

  3. come is too small of  an amount to work at getting it back. some times forgiveness is the greatest healer. let it go!!!!

  4. if the manager of the store told you that she wouldn't do anything about it, then I don't think there is anything else you can do. see if you can talk to the store director or to a regional manager or something.

    good luck!

  5. Well I would say let it was only $5.  but if you really want something to happen...then go on the internet and find the webpage for the company. they almost always have a way to leave comments, so you can go straight to the corperation and will most likely get a responce.

  6. Who cares? Just let it go.

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