
What to do when a tenant ask to end his lease early for personal reasons?

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What to do when a tenant ask to end his lease early for personal reasons?




  1. You don't have any obligation to let them out of a lease for personal reasons.   However, if you are in a charitable mood it's never bad to help someone out if they are having legitimate hardships.

    It's also a risk to your property keeping someone in a lease when they want out of it.

  2. .     I just let them go.  I want the keys in my hand and i give them some money from their deposit.

  3. First check to see what your lease agreement says. Let him know that if he finds someone to replace him to takeover the lease that you approve of you will not penalize him. If he can't find anyone look for a replacement yourself and make sure he allows you to show the rental when he's not home.  Check out this website for more info.

  4. I usually let them fact I have never given them a bad time.

  5. You are the landlord?

    If you're a nice guy, they've been good tenants, and you can afford to have the place empty until you can re-rent it, let them go.

    But legally, and I would assert morally, you have the right to enforce your lease.

    It's entirely up to you.

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