
What to do when a toddler keeps on hitting you.?

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What to do when a toddler keeps on hitting you.?




  1. hit her lightly on the hand once, and say no in a deep voice. then leave the room.

  2. sometimes a child hits because someone has laughed at him/her before for doing it. children love getting a laugh.

    he/she needs to know it's wrong to hit anyone so i definitely would not hit back.

    you need to use a good firm tone and tell them that it is wrong. but whatever you do you should try not to make a big deal about it.

  3. do not hit them back, make them sit in time out and then explain that hitting is wrong.

  4. first of all dont hit him/her back or he/she will learn that its ok to hit tell her/him its not right and  maybe give him/her time out in a chair or something and it needs to respect you !

  5. hit him back one time and he will quit hitting you. but not hard.

  6. Turn her away from you and pin her arms to her sides with your arms, then take her to the time out corner and make sure she stays there for two minutes. Don't shout at her or hit her, as that will only escalate her response. She is trying to become a separate individual and right now she is confused by the whole process.

  7. Grab the child's hands, look him/her in the eyes and say forcefully, "No. You don't hit mommy." Then put the child in a time out.

  8. ignore knows that if it hits you it will get attention

    dont hit it back

  9. Never hit back - how can you tell them it is wrong if you do it? Never accept it. The very  next time it happens stay calm, drop down to eye level, explain that it is naughty and that you dont like it. Try and let that sink in while radiating calm authority. If they hit again say it all again but this time tell them that if they do it again there will be consequence. Make it something immediate and tangible - I take a way one of the favourite dinos or a book or something. They might get more cross but hold out. Ask for an apology and a kiss. Just do that on a loop and hope they calm down and apologise. Return the stuff. Drop the topic and go back to being super nice. Till the next time and start again. However inconvenient dont let it go - ever. After a few goes it will all get easier and quicker.

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