
What to do when being bullied or harrassed in elementary school?

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my little girl is very beautiful. (im not just saying that...people make comments all the time) she is biracial and has beautiful tanned skin and long pretty hair. her used to be best friend has decided she doesnt want to be her friend anymore. ok...thats fine. but...since then she is trying to get all the other black girls to pick on her and call her names. they tell her she is ugly and her hair is ugly and that she looks like a monster. no one is brave enough to be her friend now for fear of getting labeled with her. she cries all the time and believes that she is hideous. she doesnt want to leave home now. she hates school. (she is a straight A student) everytime she goes somewhere she worries worries worries about her hair and how she looks til she has to be as perfect as posssible or i will have to fight her to get her to leave the house. what can i do??




  1. Talk to your daughter and encourage her, make sure she is not stripped of her self esteem.  Take her to counseling if needs be.  She needs to understand that people who are jealous are not her Problem and She has done nothing wrong.  I hope she excels in school too and further embarrass them.  

    Your next step should be the principal and teacher's office and do not take no for and answer Or that your child is a bit too sensitive.  Make sure that the next appointment you have is with the principal, teachers parents of the bullies and the bullies themselves.  Point Blank tell them that if it does not cease, you will have no problem in taking it to the Next Level, that would be the School Board and Police!  Hope this helps, good luck to you and your child.

  2. You are posting in the home school section.Some of us have pulled our kids out of school due to the bullying issue (among others). I do not believe that is something your precious child should "get used to" do you? I can pretty much guarantee people who are against homeschooling will say that.

    I would go to the other parent involved and explain the situation. If you don't get help at that level, then the only choice is to go to the principal. I have found schools very much unhelpful though, maybe you will have a different experience.

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