
What to do when guys "holler" at you?

by  |  earlier

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i'm always walking around...and i've noticed that whenever i am walking, guys will either stare at me, wink at me, whistle, eye me up (very uncomfortable) or they will honk and yell out things at me. i don't dress s**y or revealing or anything, i usually wear tights, a plaid shirt or dress and some combat boots, lol. doesnt sound too particularly appealing, hehe, but i wouldn't know.

when this happens, i don't know whether to just ignore them and keep walking (pretending like they don't exist), shout out "f*ck off!" (which i don't mind saying), or smile and walk away. its so uncomfortable.

what the h**l do guys expect us to do?! why do they do that? its so immature and so rude!! i just can't understand it.




  1. Sounds like they are just trying to catch your attention and/or tell you in their over-the-top male way that they find you attractive.  Guys are strange creatures.  It's also a street culture thing.  Some just feel the need to "compliment" any female, even if she's a 98 year old hunchback with only one eye that swirls around like a cameleon and is wearing a thick heavy coat in the 90 degree weather making her look like a cocoon, if they can tell she's female, they just have to make a noise.  Most of the guys don't expect any response from you, they are just sort of paying their respects.  However, there will be some mentally defective guys who will get offended if you don't respond and you can never tell who these type guys are; if you find yourself confronted with a hostile guy who just cat-called at you, become a weak humble female and say something like "buy my mom told me not to talk to anyone" and look terribly hurt that you had to defy your mom's instructions.  They'll usually let you slide once you bring mama into it.  Don't smile or wave--until you become familiar with them.  Once you begin to recognize the same faces all the time, and they recognize you as a regular in their territory, you can give them a shy smile just to let them know you know they are just being kind and complimentary.  These guys can be your best defenders should some jerk actually decide to get too familiar with you (and they often will defend you if one of those defective guys start on you).  And just keep in mind how you would feel if (when?) you walk past these kind of guys and no one says anything, no one makes any noise, basically, they don't even notice you or dismiss you as not being worth bothering with--it would kind of hurt because you already know they'd cat-call women who look like smashed toads in the road so why not you???!

  2. Depends on who/when. If it's construction workers, and I'm feeling crabby, I just yell "8 seconds, buddy!" By law (at least over here) they have 8 sec. to look before it's considered harassment; and they ALWAYS look away after that. Most of the time I don't care. They're guys; it's what they do, lol.

  3. I could wear a tent and guys would still be hollering and cat-calling.  I call it the curse of the big-breasted woman lol.  Or just the curse of the woman, because it seems like these guys will shout out at anyone with two legs and a hole between them.

    I just keep walking.  For the persistent ones, I just make up a name, etc. and keep it moving.  No sense in wasting your time entertaining these fools.  You and your time are worth way more than that.  Just keep it moving and eventually, they'll stop.  If it's the same guys over and over again, have you considered walking a different way?

  4. If you have good legs, knee length or 'a little higher' is a very appealing length.  Especially with tights.

    Also, plaid skirts.  A turn on.

    Just so you know.

    However, the best thing to do with unwanted attention is to ignore it.

  5. Sounds like you have assessed the situation well, so just ignore the guys. One day when they mature a little and have daughters of their own, they MIGHT realize how foolish and offensive their behavior was........

  6. Ignore them and just keep on walking and let your booty tell them what they are missing out on.

  7. To those who smile at you .. I would smile back.. even if I don't care about them in a personal way.. but that is harmless but I am not a dog ... I don't come when someone whistles at me although I am sure the guys mean that as a sign of appreciation.. well if you want to respond..  give them a royal wave and smile back. that is ''playing along'' personally I would ignore all of that. if someone honks at you they also do it for the reason to catch your eye.. it's up to you whether you want to wave back at them.. or ignore them.. every person is different.. i definitely never would use foul language toward any of those guys.. either I would smile and wave back if I liked that kind of behaviour or I would ignore it... they don't all do it to be rude.. they do it to get your attention and in their way it's saying...''you are attractive.'' it's immature but not necessarily rude.. some just don'[t know better therefore I would not see it as an insult... I would definitely not yell and swear that is very unfeminine and very immature in return.. either I would play their game and wave back or smile back or I would ignore it...

  8. They're either mocking at you or really think you're atractive.

    Ignore them though, avoide palces where there's a lot of vehicles.

    They're signle perverts that have nothing better to do and wish they'd get laid.

  9. Just so ya know, combat boots and tights are hooker wear.

    If I saw a cute girl dressed like that in a bar, I'd be all over her trying to get her number.  Tone it down.

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